Melee (only on land)
4.5 casillas
12m - 6m - 4m - 3m
N/A - 11,000,000 - 15,000,000

"This hairy and robust beast has no trouble breaking the ice, or anything else that crosses its path. Of course, if you mess with it, you will enrage the miniyetis."
- The Yeti is an unlocked troop once Barracks is upgraded to level 14.
- Yetis have above average health and attack compared to most support units. When he takes damage, miniyetis are regularly spawned; Upon death, one group will spawn at a time.
- Yetis health and attack are above average so they can help make room for a main army, especially when the miniyetis they spawn have a deceptively large amount of health to distract other defenses, they can jump over Walls and do a lot of damage to defenses, making the funnel even smoother.
- Yetis' higher than average health and relatively high attack can help the main army funnel, especially when spawning miniyetis have a deceptively large amount of health to distract other defenses, they can jump over Walls and do a large amount of damage to defenses, making the funnel even more fluid.
- Ensuring that a Yeti is hit enough to activate miniyetis is essential to increasing the Yeti's damage output.
- When paired with Healers, Yetis can also act as a tank. This is typically used after a Sentinel Walk. This works really well, as they can spawn a lot of miniyetis, and let them take out the Air Defenses before they target the Healers.
- When not under the command of the Healers, they have relatively low health compared to other similar space troops, so yetis must be deployed behind other high health troops, such as Golem, Ice Golem, or PEKKA.
- Due to the Yetis' high damage output, a common and viable strategy is to fill the War Airship with Yetis Clan Castle, and then dispatch the Battle Ram to drop the Yetis on key defenses such as Hell Tower and Artillery Eagle, paired with a Rage.
- Healers maximize the Yetis' potential. Protect high-impact Air Defenders and keep them away from potential Yetis attacks to maximize their value. One tip is that the attackers try to give the Yetis access to the core.
- The Artillery Eagle and Catapult can also destroy both Yetis and their miniyetis. Keep them off-center and away from possible attacks to limit their effectiveness.
- Due to Miniyetis' relatively low health, Poison Spells can be deadly, greatly limiting a Yeti's effectiveness in Clan Castle.
- Due to its relatively small health pool and inability to hit air troops without miniyetis, the Yeti is a poor defensive option in Clan Wars or in general.
- However, due to the lack of both in Town Hall 6, Yetis can serve as a decent defensive troop, and it is the only level of Town Hall where they can.
- Splitting the Yetis can reduce their effectiveness by reducing the amount of Miniyetis and also the total HP. Giving too much access is an easy way to do this. Furthermore, this will also divide the healers.
- The Yeti undergoes visual changes at all levels.
- At level 2, the Yeti's fur turns a darker color. The horns change from a pink color to a pinkish purple. The miniyetis change to a color similar to that of the horns.
- At level 3, the Yeti's fur turns even darker, and the backpack's miniyetis change from purple-pink to purple.
- You can have a maximum of 16 Yetis at a time in a full set of fully upgraded Army Camps. This number increases to 18 if you include the 2 that fit in a Clan Castle of level 8 or higher. On the battlefield, you can clone an additional 8 Yetis with four fully upgraded Cloning Spells (three from the normal spell inventory and one from a max-level Clan Castle).
- Yetis have the most complex requirements for sub-tropes spawning, as they require a certain amount of damage to spawn. All other troops spawn periodically or upon death.
- Like all elixir troops that unlock after town hall 8, the Yeti theme corresponds to a town hall (13 in this case), but is unlocked at the previous town hall (12).
- According to a Fall 2020 Development Update, one of the earliest sketches of the Yeti was originally going to be a bigger, beefier Minion named "Giant Minion."
- This concept served as an inspiration to the Super-henchman.
- The description of the Yeti says that when hurting it the miniyetis get angry, but in the description of the miniyetis it says that they get angry.
- If the Yeti runs out of miniyetis to spawn (which is possible if the Yeti heals), your basket will appear empty. Interestingly, the basket will appear full of miniyetis even though the Yeti can only spawn a few more.
- The Yeti was added in the December 9, 2019 update, with 3 levels
- The Yeti, Dragon Rider, and the Hero Slayer are the three with the fewest levels.
- The Yeti, along with the Dragon, PEKKA, Dragon Rider, and Hero Slayer are the only troops that have upgrade differences at each level.
- The Yeti, along with the Dragon, the Dragon Rider and the Headhunter are the only troops that do not appear in Clash Royale, excluding the Superclothes.
- The Yeti is one of several troops that does not have a builder base or super-clothing, along with the Healer, the Dragon, the Miner, the Electric Dragon, the Electric Dragon, the Golem, the Rock Thrower, the Ice Golem, and the Huntress. of Heroes.
- The Yeti is the only Elixir Troop that can spawn other units (Yetimites).
Stat Modifiers
Enter the values in these modifiers to modify the statistics in the tables below
Golden Pass modifiers
Yetis Training Time
1 Barracks
2 Barracks
3 Barracks
4 Barracks
Damage per second
Damage per Attack
Miniyetis generated
Training cost
Research cost
Research time
Laboratory Required level
Main Village Troops
Elixir Troops
Barbarian • Archer • Giant • Goblin • Wall Breaker • Bombastic Balloon • Wizard • Medicine Woman • Dragon • PEKKA • Baby Dragon • Miner • Electric Dragon • Yeti (Miniyeti) • Montadragones
Dark Troops
Minion • Hog Rider • Valkyrie • Golem (Golemite) • Witch (Skeleton) • Lava Hound (Lava Cub) • Rock Thrower • Ice Golem • Hero Hunter
Superbarbarian • Supergirl • Supergiant • Sneaky Goblin • Superbreaker • • Rocket Balloon • Supermagus • Inferno Dragon • Supermind • Supervalkyrie • Super Witch (Big Guy) • Ice Hound (Ice Pup) • Super Rock Thrower
Barbarian King • Archer Queen • Grand Sentinel • Royal Fighter
Elixir spells
Lightning Spell • Healing Spell • Fury Spell • Leap Spell • Ice Spell • Cloning Spell • Invisibility Spell
Dark Spells
Poison Spell • Earthquake Spell • Acceleration Spell • Skeleton Spell • Bats Spell
Siege Machines
Wallbreaker • War Airship • Stone Thrower • Siege Barracks • Log Thrower
LASSI • Electric Owl • Yak • Unicorn