Builder's Hut
1 level
2 level
3 level
4 level
2 × 2
3750 Gems

"Without builders you can't do anything, acquire more to be able to start several constructions at the same time or speed up your work using gems."
- The Builder's Shack is the building used to store builders when they are not improving anything.
- Each Builder Hut can only contain one Builder at a time.
- You get two Builder huts by completing the tutorial, with another three available to purchase using Gems.
- You need Builders to build and upgrade Buildings, Walls and to remove Obstacles. They are also required to place and upgrade Heroes. However, you don't need a Builder to place Decorations or Traps.
- It won't be long until your Builders are spending 1-2 days or more on upgrades, so the extra workers will come in handy!
- A player has two Builder huts by default.
- The first Builder's Hut is already built when you first start playing.
- The second Builder's Hut costs 250 gems and must be built during the tutorial. It will use half of your initial allocation of 500 gems.
- It is possible to save enough gems to build all five builder huts, as there are a total of 8.687 gems available through achievements, which means that if you get all the achievements you will have enough gems. Also, there is an unlimited amount that can be obtained by removing obstacles like plants and rocks (plants grow back every 8 hours). Gem Boxes appear every 1-2 weeks, and give 25 Gems when removed.
- Regardless of achievements, as long as you don't waste gems on anything else, it will take 542 days to collect enough gems by clearing obstacles to buy the remaining three huts. This figure drops to about 388 days if the gem chest interval is estimated to be 1,5 weeks (10,5 days).
- Once the Town Hall is upgraded to level 14, the Builder's Hut can be upgraded to add a short-range turret that fires at enemies. Once this is done, the corresponding builder will take on the role of Battle Builder, where he will repair nearby buildings during battle.
- The first Builder's Hut is free and given to players.
- The second Builder's Hut is purchased during the tutorial for 250 gems.
- The third Builder Hut costs 500 gems. There are many ways to get it.
- Clear obstacles (especially gem chests) until you reach 500 gems out of the 250 you have left from the tutorial and collect small achievements.
- The Sweet Victory achievement is easy to get; Upon reaching 1250 Trophies, you get 465 Gems (5 out of 75 Trophies, 10 out of 750 Trophies, and 450 out of 1250 Trophies), which are only 35 Gems away from getting the third Builder. With other achievements, this is enough to get the third Constructor.
- You can also get it in the Builder Pack for $ 4,99 which includes the Builder and 500 Gems.
- The fourth Builder's Hut costs 1000 Gems.
- You can get it by reaching the Master league, which gives 1000 All-Star League Achievement Gems.
- You can also get the Gems little by little by eliminating Obstacles, such as Trees and Bushes.
- You can also get it through the Builder Pack which costs $ 9.99 USD and includes the fourth Builder and 1200 Gems.
- The fifth Builder's Hut costs 2000 Gems.
- The All-Star League achievement gives 2000 Gems upon reaching the Champions League.
- You can get it through the Builder Pack for $ 19,99 USD and it includes the Builder and 2000 Gems.
- Buying Builder huts is not the only way to acquire extra Builders; if you build the Master Builder's Hut you will be able to use the Master Builder as an extra Builder in the Home Village. This requires a top-level OTTO Hut at the Builder Base.
- Once the Town Hall is upgraded to level 14, the Builder's Hut can be upgraded to add a short-range turret that fires at enemies. Once this is done, the corresponding Builder will also be able to participate in the battle by repairing buildings around their Shack instead of rushing to Town Hall.
- When armed, the Builder's Hut will be treated as a defensive building and will be targeted by troops aiming for defense, such as the Giants.
- While the idea of grouping all of the Builder's Huts together to maximize building repair in one area to make them last longer may be a tempting idea, the Builder's Hut is not the most durable and damaging defense. All of them can be easily overwhelmed and can be devastated by a chain bolt from Electric Dragon or Electric Owl as the repair per second doesn't go a long way when the building is under heavy fire anyway. It's best to spread them out so they can focus on healing a single building from a lost troop or the Barbarian King by cleaning the exterior of the base, making them less effective.
- The Builder will repair buildings that are damaged during battle while his Builder Hut is intact. It is not considered a defensive troop in the sense that attacking units cannot attack or damage it. However, it can be affected by offensive spells:
- A Poison Spell slows its repair rate;
- An Ice Spell prevents him from repairing;
- A Lightning Spell briefly stuns him and forces him to re-aim;
- An Invisibility Spell will make the buildings around you invisible, preventing you from repairing the affected buildings.
- He can also be affected by Fury Spells, although the only way he can benefit from one is if a defending Super Valkyrie dies and drops her Fury Spell near him.
- The Builder cannot repair Walls or any building that is completely destroyed. If his Builder Hut is destroyed, he will retreat to the bunker hidden below and no longer participate in the battle.
- If multiple builders are repairing the same building, their total repair per second will be slightly less than the individual repair output of all builders combined, just as the heal output of multiple Healers on a single target is reduced. This effect is somewhat subtle even in the extreme scenario (eg 5 Builders Shack Builders maxed out will combine for a total of approximately 264 repairs per second, or approximately a 12% loss).
- You can place your Builder's Huts in the corners of your village, hoping to waste your opponents time getting to them when they attack - which could mean the difference between a 2-star defeat versus a 3-star defeat. . However, the downside to doing this is that they will be easy prey for a single Archer or Barbarian, and each building (regardless of purchase price or hit points) counts the same amount toward 50% destruction. This also provides an easy way to lure Clan Castle troops out of range of your defenses, where they can be killed much more easily.
- This can work even if the Builder's Huts are armed.
- Builder's Huts can be used as Walls or other buildings to push back the troop no-spawn zone.
- They can also be used to direct enemy troops in a more desirable direction (for the defender). Since units that don't have a preferred target simply attack the next closest building once they've destroyed their current target, you can strategically place Builder's Huts to ensure these troops find a chain of closer buildings that takes them away from targets. of high value like Mortars and Air Defense.
- Once armed, the Builder's Huts can be used to counter the first few Earthquake Spells placed prior to the deployment of the main army, as they are able to mitigate some, if not all, of the damage caused to buildings by the Earthquake.
- When assembling, it is no longer recommended to hide one in the corner of the base. Although armed Builder Huts are significantly tougher, as they have much higher hit points and can defend themselves, on their own they are too weak to handle an entire army at the beginning of the raid, or even a single strong troop. funnel like a Baby Dragon.
- If a Builder corresponding to an armed Builder Hut is working on a building (or hero), he will start the battle by working on that building, and he will have to run to his Hut before starting to repair things. He will not repair buildings along the way, not even the building he was working on if it is out of range of his Hut. This is only valid in Multiplayer Battles outside of the League of Legends, since in other scenarios (Clan Wars, Friendly Challenges, League of Legends), the building will not appear upgraded.
- Consequently, it may be beneficial (Multiplayer only) to keep the Hut as close to the construction site as possible to minimize travel time, although when multiple Builders are working, it is not possible to tell at a glance which Builder corresponds to which Hut without watch a defensive replay first.
- The attackers must look for builder huts or other buildings in the corners and can combat this by placing one or two Barbarians or Archers in each building at the beginning of the battle.
- They can also use these corners to draw troops into Clan Castle without being attacked by defenses.
- A Lightning Spell can destroy an unarmed Builder's Hut if it is level 5 or higher (two required otherwise). Once armed, her life points are greatly increased and it takes up to three lightning spells at maximum to destroy her.
- The relatively low hit points of armed Builder Huts make a sufficiently level Royal Fighter capable of destroying them in one hit with the Search Shield ability.
- Once a Battle Builder begins repairing a building, they will continue to repair that building until it is destroyed or restored to full health. It may be beneficial to significantly damage a non-defensive building in its radius first (or a less important defense) so that the Builder does not commit to repairing more important defensive buildings.
- The Builder's huts undergo significant visual changes on levels 3 and 4.
- When initially built, the Builder's Hut is a small Hut with four wooden pillars at its corners. Between the pillars, there is a stone wall with a hole for a window. The side that does not have a wall is the door. The floor is smooth gray stone. The ceiling is made of wood, painted black and decorated with a giant saw and a hammer forming a cross.
- At level 2, the wooden pillars are thicker. The building also gains a foundation that covers the base of the pillars. Under the roof is a layer of wood painted green.
- At level 3, the foundation of the building becomes much thicker. The roof is completely painted green and the corners of the roof gain black metal peaks.
- At level 4, the foundation takes on another layer. The wooden pillars are also painted green. The spikes on the roof are gold. The layer under the roof is now also gold.
- In a raid, the turret will pop out and change the appearance of the Builder's Hut.
- At level 2, a spring and shaft connect the Builder's Hut to the roof and a mini crossbow. The green wooden part under the roof is fully shown and has been nailed down. The mini crossbow has a green tip, a wooden barrel, and a charged metal arrow.
- At level 4, the golden part under the roof is fully displayed and has a golden spiral-shaped pattern. The charged arrow is gold.
Union Buster
Destroy 25 Builder's Huts
Destroy 250 Builder's Huts
Destroy 2.500 construction huts
Break this!
Destroy 25 armed Builder Huts.
Destroy 250 armed Builder Huts.
Destroy 2.500 armed Builder Huts.
- A Builder's Hut does not require a free Builder to build.
- The total cost of the five Builder Huts is 3.750 gems.
- It doesn't appear to have a door, nor any form of sleeping comforts like a bed.
Builder resting
- If you drag an inactive Builder Hut, you will see the builder resting on the ground. When the Hut is placed, you will run to your Hut in the new location.
- As soon as the three-minute Raid timer starts to count down, all the builders will run towards the Town Hall. Even if the Town Hall is destroyed before the Builders reach it, they will still "enter" it, disappearing as they do so.
- This is not true for armed Builder Huts, as they will run towards your Hut instead.
- If the time to destroy an obstacle is less than the time it takes the assigned Builder to reach it, the obstacle will simply disappear when the elimination timer expires and the previously assigned Builder will immediately head towards his Hut.
- Unlike other buildings, if a player has not reached Town Hall level 14, upgrade buttons do not appear, rather than buttons that inform the player of Town Hall requirements when touched.
- Builder's Hut level 1 has the lowest hit points of any building in the game, although it is tied with Altar of Heroes, Master Builder's Hut, and Army Camp level 1 [[Builder / Village Hut |]].
- With the TH14 theme, the Builder's Hut is:
- The only building that does not have a black-purple stone color, not counting the Air Traffic Controller.
- The only building that does not have gold cladding.
- One of the four buildings that have a golden meander pattern, the others are the City Hall, Canyon, and the Bomber Tower.
- One of the two buildings on level TH14 that does not have a light emerald green color, the other being the Wall.
 | Tapping this icon will say information about the Builder's Hut, such as Level, Damage per second, Life, Range, Damage Type, and Targets. |
 | Tapping this icon begins upgrading the Choza de Constructor to the next level, if you have enough resources and a free Builder. When the Choza de Constructor is at maximum level, this icon is not shown. |
 | Tapping this icon instantly upgrades the Choza de Constructor to the next level, at the cost of one Hammer of Building if you have one. When the Choza de Constructor is at maximum level, or if the Town Hall requirements for the next level are not met, this icon is not shown. |
 | Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of the displayed number of Gems. |
 | Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Building. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Building. |
 | Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Everything. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Everything but do not have a Book of Building. |
 | Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, boosts all your Builders for 1 hour by a factor of ten, at the cost of one Builder Potion. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Builder Potion. |
 | Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, cancels the current upgrade and refunds half of the upgrade cost. |
Stat Modifiers
Enter the values in these modifiers to modify the statistics in the tables below
Town Hall level
Available number
Damage per Second
Shot Damage
Repair per second
Hit repair
Construction cost
Construction time
Experience Earned
Required City Council level
Attack speed
Damage Type
Type of unit it is pointing to
Single objective
Earth & Air
Repair Speed
Speed of movement
Type of unit it is pointing to
* Available to be upgraded to be a defense.
** The cost to build a Level 1 Builder Hut is as follows:
Construction Cost (first):
Construction Cost (second):
Construction Cost (third):
Construction Cost (quarter):
Construction Cost (XNUMXth):
Main Village Buildings
Defensive buildings
Cannon • Archer Tower • Mortar • Defense Rockets • Wizard Tower • Air Controller • Tesla Tower • Bomber Tower • Crossbow • Inferno Tower • Artillery Eagle • Tesla Gigator • Infernal Gigator • Catapult • Infernal Gigatorre (TH14) • Walls
Traps: Bomb • Spring Trap • Aerial Bomb • Set of Explosives • Aerial Trace Mine • Skeleton Trap • Tornado Trap
Resource buildings
Town Hall • Gold Mine • Elixir Collector • Dark Elixir Extractor • Gold Store • Elixir Store • Dark Elixir Store • Clan Castle (Treasury)
Army buildings
Camp • Barracks • Dark Barracks • Laboratory • Spell Cauldron • Dark Spell Cauldron • Workshop • Altar of the Barbarian King • Altar of the Archer Queen • Altar of the Grand Sentinel • Altar of the Royal Fighter
Other buildings
Decorations • Obstacles • Builder's Hut • Master Builder's Hut • Ship • Loot Cart • Strongman's Caravan • Supersauna