For the base version, see Duende.

"Sneaky Goblins have an ability that goes unnoticed for a time after being deployed. Usually it's the incredibly loud sound of resources being stolen that gives them away."
- Your Order
- The Sneaky Goblin is a Super Clothes based on the Goblin. It can be unlocked when the Goblin is at least level 7, and when the Town Hall is upgraded to level 11 or higher.
- Powering the Goblin requires 25.000 Dark Elixir or a Super Potion, and doing so allows the Goblin to power itself for 3 days. The level of Sneaky Goblin that you get from the upgrade corresponds to the level of Goblin you have.
- Due to the level requirement, players need Town Hall 11 in order to boost Goblins to Sneaky Goblins. However, players can bring Sneaky Goblins into any Clan Castle, allowing anyone in a clan to obtain one.
- The Sneaky Goblin is an upgraded version of the Goblin that does more damage and has more hit points. Its cloaking ability allows it to remain invisible for 5 seconds after being deployed.
- Sneaky Goblins prioritize resource buildings over all other targets, and will avoid all other enemy building types and troops as long as the resource buildings remain on the battlefield. This is true even if they are being attacked by enemy Clan Castle troops, heroes, or Skeleton Trap skeletons. Note that like all resource-prioritizing troops, Sneaky Goblins consider Clan Castle or Town Hall to be resource buildings regardless of whether or not they contain loot and whether or not the Town Hall is at level 12 or 13 and has his Giga Tesla or Giga Inferno activated; Sneaky Goblins will preferentially attack them in addition to dealing double damage
- Once all the resource buildings are destroyed, the Sneaky Goblins become like any other troop without a preferred target; they will attack the building closest to them regardless of type, and will turn and attack enemy units if they notice any nearby.
- Offensive Strategy
- These are useful for targeting bases that prioritize defending their City Council over their collectors and warehouses.
- You can sneak a blimp full of them into the Town Hall and quickly destroy the Town Hall while it is invisible. Combine this with the sentry and a Fury spell will secure a star and lots of loot depending on where the warehouses are.
- Their increased health can be a reason to use them instead of normal goblins, even in the core of a base (when their invisibility would have disappeared) because, unlike normal goblins, they won't be knocked out as easily by damage from splashes, especially when boosted by the Grand Sentinel's life aura. This makes goblin knife strategies (where hordes of goblins are sent to the core of a spell-supported base) more consistent in their ability to attack the core of higher-level bases.
- As a result of their high damage against resource collectors, they are viable as funnel troops. In fact, against resources, they have the highest damage per accommodation slot in the game.
- Jump Spells work well with Sneaky Goblins to reach spaces protected by defenses; using them to get to a space with a resource store or two (or the Town Hall) can pay off. Wall Breakers, while cheaper than Jump Spells, are less viable as an alternative because the goblins' invisibility prevents them from making an effective tank for Wall Breakers (plus, goblins are relatively fragile once the cloak wears out) , but this problem can nevertheless be alleviated with a Giant or the like.
- Clan castles do not react to sneaky goblins in their radius while they are invisible, and will only deploy their troops when another troop (visible) is deployed in their radius or when the invisibility of the sneaky goblins disappears. Since the Sneaky Goblins regard the Clan Castle as a resource building, you can exploit this property against exposed Clan Castles by deploying a few Sneaky Goblins to quickly destroy the Clan Castle before it can deploy any troops.
- Sneaking them in, and then putting a tank in front of them (for example, a Giant) if it's not finished yet can be a cheap but effective funnel if part of the base is mostly resource storage.
- Sneaky Goblins can be used to effectively pick up unprotected resource buildings, making a good resource cleanup troop. Even if they are protected by defenses like cannons, invisibility allows Sneaky Goblins to draw out resources before being attacked
- About five Elusive Goblins can even take down a town hall before its invisibility is gone, as there are no traps and the town hall is on the outside.
- Defensive Strategy
- Giant bombs, when level enough, are capable of wiping out Sneaky Goblins in one hit, so place them around the locations where the Sneaky Goblins are expected to be.
- Their low attack points mean that they have the same weaknesses as other low health troops such as Barbarians or Rock Throwers. Multi-target Hell Towers, Artillery Eagle, and Multi-Mortars are the main pieces of the Elusive Goblins, while basic splash defenses like Mortar and Mage Towers will work well too, Archers Tower in rapid-fire mode. It is also quite effective against Sneaky Goblins.
- Sneaky Goblins are commonly used in the war against Sentinel walks, as the Sentinel has relatively low damage output, which the sneaky goblin can compensate for. Making bases that counteract Sentinel Walks indirectly counters Sneaky Goblins.
- You can place resource buildings behind other buildings like the Builder's Hut, or the Cauldron of Spells, to slow down sneaky goblins due to the no-spawn zone around them.
- Curiosities
- It is the only Super Clothes whose troop level requirement can be reached before Town Hall 11 (that is, the only Super Clothes that can be increased as soon as Town Hall reaches level 11, without having to first update the Lab and base version).
- It bears a visual resemblance to the Goblin Brawler from Clash Royale.
- In the artwork, the bag is darker than its patch. However, in battle, his patch is darker than the bag. Also, the hands in which the lever and the bag are held are opposite between the two.
- It is one of the three super clothes that does not have "Super" in its name. The other is the Inferno Dragon and the Ice Hound.
Preferred Attack
Type of attack
Housing Space
Speed of movement
Attack speed
Special ability
Resources (Damage x2)
Melee (Earth Only)
0.4 casillas
Empowerment Cost
Goblin Level Required
Stealth Goblins Training Time
1 Barracks
2 Barracks
3 Barracks
4 Barracks
1m 24s
Damage per Second
Damage per Attack
DPS on resource buildings
Life points
Training Cost
Main Village Troops
Elixir Troops
Barbarian • Archer • Giant • Goblin • Wall Breaker • Bombastic Balloon • Wizard • Healer • Dragon • PEKKA • Baby Dragon • Miner • Electric Dragon • Yeti (Miniyeti) • Dragon Rider
Dark Troops
Minion • Hog Rider • Valkyrie • Golem (Golemite) • Witch (Skeleton) • Lava Hound (Lava Cub) • Rock Thrower • Ice Golem • Hero Hunter
Super barbarian • Super hero • Supergiant • Sneaky Goblin • Super Wall Breaker • • Rocket Balloon • Super Wizard • Infernal Dragon • Super Heirloom • Super Valkyrie • Super Witch (Big Guy) • Ice Hound (Ice Pup) • Super Rock Thrower
Barbarian King • Archer Queen • Grand Sentinel • Royal Fighter
Elixir spells
Lightning Spell • Healing Spell • Fury Spell • Leap Spell • Ice Spell • Cloning Spell • Invisibility Spell
Dark Spells
Poison Spell • Earthquake Spell • Acceleration Spell • Skeleton Spell • Bats Spell
Siege Machines
Wallbreaker • War Airship • Stone Thrower • Siege Barracks • Log Thrower
LASSI • Electric Owl • Yak • Unicorn