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    Lava Hound / Lava Cub

    Lava Hound / Lava Cub

    Lava Hound / Lava Cub

    Lava Hound / Lava Cub
    1 level

    General Information

    Preferred TargetLava Hound / Lava Cub


    Damage TypeLava Hound / Lava Cub

    Remote (land and air)

    RangoLava Hound / Lava Cub

    2 casillas

    Living spaceLava Hound / Lava Cub


    Entrenamien-toLava Hound / Lava Cub


    Speed ​​of movementLava Hound / Lava Cub


    Attack speedLava Hound / Lava Cub

    1 second


    Cumulative CostLava Hound / Lava Cub


    Cumulative TimeLava Hound / Lava Cub

    - Lava Hound / Lava Cub Lava Hound / Lava Cub
    • Generated in large quantities after the death of a Lava Hound, these creatures keep the battle alive for a little longer.


    • Lava cubs are similar to lava hounds, except that they are slightly smaller and their bodies are not made of rocks; just wash.


    See strategy of the lava hound.
    Level Damage per second Life
    1 35 55
    Main Village Troops
    Elixir Troops Barbarian • Archer • Giant • Goblin • Wall Breaker • Bombastic Balloon • Wizard • Healer • Dragon • PEKKA • Baby Dragon • Miner • Electric Dragon • Yeti (Miniyeti) • Dragon Rider
    Dark Troops Minion • Hog Rider • Valkyrie • Golem (Golemite) • Witch (Skeleton) • Lava Hound (lava dog) • Rock Thrower • Ice Golem • Hero Hunter
    Supertropas Superbarbarian • Supergirl • Supergiant • Sneaky Goblin • Superbreaker • • Rocket Balloon • Supermagus • Inferno Dragon • Supermind • Supervalkyrie • Super Witch (Big Guy) • Ice Hound (Ice Pup) • Super Rock Thrower
    Heroes Barbarian King • Archer Queen • Grand Sentinel • Royal Fighter
    Elixir spells Lightning Spell • Healing Spell • Fury Spell • Leap Spell • Ice Spell • Cloning Spell • Invisibility Spell
    Dark Spells Poison Spell • Earthquake Spell • Acceleration Spell • Skeleton Spell • Bats Spell
    Siege Machines Wallbreaker • War Airship • Stone Thrower • Siege Barracks • Log Thrower
    Animals LASSI • Electric Owl • Yak • Unicorn

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