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    Gold Warehouse / Village

    Gold Warehouse / Village

    Gold Warehouse / Village

    General Information



    Minimum town hall level:



    3 × 3

    Constant improvement

    Resource to improve:


    Cumulative cost


    Cumulative time:

    32 days, 3 hours, 45 minutes, 10 seconds All your gold is stored here, so don't let the goblins get near it! Upgrade it to increase its ability and resistance to attacks.
    Gold Warehouse / Village Gold Warehouse / Village Gold Warehouse / Village Gold Warehouse / Village
    1 level 2 level 3 level 4 level
    Gold Warehouse / Village Gold Warehouse / Village Gold Warehouse / Village Gold Warehouse / Village
    5 level 6 level 7 level 8 level
    Gold Warehouse / Village Gold Warehouse / Village Gold Warehouse / Village Gold Warehouse / Village
    9 level 10 level 11 level 12 level
    Gold Warehouse / Village Gold Warehouse / Village Gold Warehouse / Village
    13 level 14 level 15 level


    • The gold store allows you to save the gold found from the gold mines to be able to use it in future improvements or for the use of new buildings.
    • They can continue to store gold even though they are in the process of improvement, but the maximum capacity will be the same until the process is completed.
    • The maximum amount that can be stolen from the gold store is 25% of the amount of gold you own at the time of the attack.
    • Warehouses do not take damage from area spells such as the lightning spell and the earthquake spell.
    • If you exceed the maximum capacity of your warehouse with an offer, they will not steal 25% of what you have but 25% of the maximum of your warehouse.

    Appearance changes

    • Gold Stores experience significant visual changes at levels 5, 10, 11, and 12.
      • When initially constructed, the gold store consists of a square open wooden warehouse with raised wooden corners. It is reinforced around the base by a single steel band with small brass rivets.
      • At level 2, the warehouse grows slightly higher, adding a couple of small steps on one side and a steel door on the other. A second steel reinforcement band also appears.
      • At level 3, the warehouse grows taller and adds a third band of steel reinforcement. The two small steps are replaced with a short ladder. The level 4 gold store is slightly higher still with a fourth steel band and a higher ladder.
      • At level 5, the four steel bands are replaced by a solid metal base (although the top is still wooden). The truss appears at the base of the four corners of the structure. The ladder is replaced by steel rungs, and a padlock appears on the steel door.
      • At level 6, the warehouse grows taller again, and a new band of steel appears above the metal base.
      • At level 7, he receives additional reinforcement in all four corners.
      • At level 8, it grows taller once more and the armor in the corners receives metal spikes.
      • At level 9, the warehouse grows in height again, receiving a second steel reinforcement band above the metal base. The truss cladding at the corners grows wider with additional spikes.
      • At level 10, all remaining wood is replaced with metal. The flat sides of the Warehouse receive brass-tipped brass plates, while the corners retain their steel-tipped bracing, although these now extend the length of the structure. The gray metal padlock on the door is replaced by a pair of brass padlocks.
      • At level 11, the upper halves of the corner braces are replaced with spiked brass armor, and the four corners are given huge vertical gold spikes.
      • At level 12, you get a large stone base with steps leading up to the staircase, the vertical spikes are replaced by golden pillars, and the two locks are replaced by a brass vault.

    Constant improvement

    Town hall level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
    Quantity Available 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4
    Level Gold Warehouse / Village Capacity Gold Warehouse / Village Life points Gold Warehouse / Village Cost (Elixir) Gold Warehouse / Village Upgrade time Gold Warehouse / Village Experience Gold Warehouse / Village Town hall level Gold Warehouse / Village
    1 1,500 400 300 10s 3 1
    2 3,000 600 750 15cm 30 2
    3 6,000 800 1,500 30cm 42 2
    4 12,000 1,000 3,000 1h 60 3
    5 25,000 1,200 6,000 2h 84 3
    6 45,000 1,400 12,000 3h 103 3
    7 100,000 1,600 25,000 4h 120 4
    8 225,000 1,700 50,000 5h 134 4
    9 450,000 1,800 100,000 8h 169 5
    10 850,000 1,900 250,000 12h 207 6
    11 1,750,000 2,100 500,000 16h 240 7
    12 2,000,000 2,500 1,500,000 3d 509 11
    13 3,000,000 2,900 3,000,000 6d 720 12
    14 4,000,000 3,300 4,000,000 9d 881 13
    15 6,000,000 3,700 4,500,000 12d 1,018 14
    Main Village Buildings
    Defensive buildings Cannon • Archer Tower • Mortar • Defense Rockets • Wizard Tower • Air Controller • Tesla Tower • Bomber Tower • Crossbow • Inferno Tower • Artillery Eagle • Tesla Gigator • Infernal Gigator • Catapult • Infernal Gigatorre (TH14) • Walls

    Traps: Bomb • Spring Trap • Aerial Bomb • Set of Explosives • Aerial Trace Mine • Skeleton Trap • Tornado Trap

    Resource buildings Town Hall • Gold Mine • Elixir Collector • Dark Elixir Extractor • Gold warehouse • Elixir Store • Dark Elixir Store • Clan Castle (Treasury)
    Army buildings Camp • Barracks • Dark Barracks • Laboratory • Spell Cauldron • Dark Spell Cauldron • Workshop • Altar of the Barbarian King • Altar of the Archer Queen • Altar of the Grand Sentinel • Altar of the Royal Fighter
    Other buildings Decorations • Obstacles • Builder's Hut • Master Builder's Hut • Ship • Loot Cart • Strongman's Caravan • Supersauna
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