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    Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base

    For the Main Village version, see Torre de Arqueras / Aldea

    Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base

    Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base



    Available in Workshop



    Damage Type

    Single Objective


    Terrestrial and aerial


    11 casillas

    Attack speed

    1 second




    Cumulative Cost


    Cumulative Time

    7 days, 10 hours and 20 minutes "No enemy can escape Archery arrows, this tower has a special switch - choose long range or fast attack!"


    Long Range Mode

    Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base
    1 level 2 level 3 level 4 level
    Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base
    5 level 6 level 7 level 8 level 9 level

    Fast Attack Mode

    Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base
    1 level 2 level 3 level 4 level
    Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base
    5 level 6 level 7 level 8 level 9 level

    General Summary

    • The Archers Tower is a tower that has an Archer (from the Village) on top and can target air and ground units.
    • It is a single target defense.
    • A player can have a total of 3 Archer Towers.
    • You can choose between Long Range or Quick Attack. Both modes have their advantages and disadvantages.
    • Long-range mode gives the Tower of Archers a range of eleven squares, at the cost of DPS. It has the lowest DPS of any single-target defensive building at a relative level in this mode.
    • Rapid Attack mode gives the Tower of Archers additional damage by firing twice as fast as Long Range mode. This comes at a cost to range: even if its range is reduced by four squares, it covers only about 40% of the area that a Long Range Archer Tower would cover.
    • When upgrading, an Archer Tower's Rapid Attack damage per second increase is double the Long Range damage per second increase, so Rapid Attack is always twice the Long Range DPS.
    • The Master Builder can go to your Village and hone a Tower of Archers of level 10 or higher to allow it to toggle between long-range and quick attack modes. This requires a level 6 archer tower at the builder's base.

    Defensive Strategy

    • An Archer Tower set to Long Range can protect the outer buildings from Rogue Archer and Minion Beta. However, the Rogue Archer's Mantle ability allows her to hide for a few seconds, and the Tower of Archers cannot do anything to stop the Archers under her cloak.
    • An Archer Tower that is set to Quick Attack cannot protect the buildings in front of it. However, it is more effective at taking down tank units, and they are better able to handle small swarms of Bats or Skeletons this way.
    • You can protect the Tower of Archers with splash-damaging defenses like Smashers as it is a single target defense.

    Offensive Strategy

    • Try to swarm the Tower of Archers with swarm units like Enraged Barbarian as it is a single target.
    • Use tanks like Giant Boxer to distract her so support troops can tear down the outer buildings.
    • Long-range Archery Tower has a fairly low damage output, with three shots to kill Rogue Archer or Minion Beta. If you are using Rogue Archer or Beta Minion to attack buildings and there are no more unprotected buildings, choosing buildings protected by only a single Long-range Rogue Archer or Beta Minion will give your troops the most time to attack before they are destroyed.


    • At level 1, the Tower of Archers is a basic wooden tower tied with ropes, partially inside a square hole in the ground, with a lever next to it.
      • At level 2, the Tower of Archers platform gains additional boards on its edge. The composition of the beams in the interior also changes. Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base


    • At level 3, most of the rope loops have disappeared and the hole in the ground is surrounded by stone, and the lever gains a more substantial casing.
    • At level 4, the edges of the upper deck are reinforced with a copper band.
    • At level 5, the rest of the strings disappear and are replaced by riveted metal fittings and the copper band turns to gray metal.
    • At level 6, the corners of the upper platform are covered with copper plates. The corners of the base get additional stone bricks.
    • At level 7, the upper platform is now made of stone; its corners are now bluish-gray metal and its edges are also fully metal. A team can be seen near the base of the tower.
    • At level 8, the corners of the tower are now gold, as are some of the nails in the tower. There is also a gold band around the perimeter of the tower.
    • At level 9, the gold in the corners gets bigger and the base is now thicker and stronger. The lever is removed from the side.
    • The Archers at the top of the Archer's Tower change their appearance as you upgrade the Archers Tower. The Archers at the top of the tower appear to be Main Village Archers rather than Rogue Archers.
    • When first built, the Tower of Archers has a single Archer who appears to be level 1 (or 2).
    • When raised to level 4, the Tower Archer looks like a level 3 (or 4) Archer.
    • When raised to level 6, the Tower Archer looks like a level 5 Archer.
    • When raised to level 7, a second Archer appears.
    • When raised to level 8, the Tower Archer looks like a level 6 Archer.



    Level Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Damage per Second Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Shot Damage Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Life Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Construction Cost Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Construction time Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Experience Obtained

    Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base

    Builder's Workshop Level Required Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base
    1 35 35 500 12,000 5m 17 2
    2 40 40 575 30,000 15cm 30 3
    3 44 44 661 60,000 2h 84 3
    4 48 48 760 250,000 8h 169 4
    5 53 53 874 800,000 1d 293 5
    6 58 58 1,005 1,200,000 1d 293 6
    7 64 64 1,156 2,000,000 2d 415 7
    8 70 70 1,329 2,800,000 3d 509 8
    9 77 77 1,395 3,600,000 4d 587 9
    Scope Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Attack speed Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Damage Type Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base Target Unit Type Arqueras Tower / Builder's Base
    11 1s Single Objective Land and Air
    Constructor's Base Buildings
    Defensive buildings Barrel • Double Barrel • Arqueras Tower • Tesla Tower • Pyrotechnics • Crusher • Guard Post • Aerial Bombs • Multiple Mortar • Carbonizer • Giant Cannon • Mega Tesla • Spitting • Walls
    Traps: Push Trap • Spring Trap • Mine • Mega Mine
    Resource buildings Builder's Workshop (Magic Items) • Gold Mine • Elixir Collector • Gold Store • Elixir Store • Gem Mine • OTTO Shack
    Army buildings Builder's Headquarters • Camp • Astral Laboratory • Altar of the War Machine
    Other buildings Boat • Decorations • Obstacles • Clock Tower
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