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    Arqueras Tower / Village

    Arqueras Tower / Village

    Arqueras Tower / Village



    Minimum Town Hall





    Shot frequency

    0,5 seconds




    Land and air


    3 × 3

    Constant improvement

    Resource to improve

    Gold Arqueras Tower / Village

    Cumulative cost


    Cumulative time

    77 days and 16 minutes

    Archer Towers have more range than cannons and can also attack air units.


    Long Range Mode

    Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village
    1 level 2 level 3 level 4 level 5 level
    Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village
    6 level 7 level 8 level 9 level 10 level
    Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village
    11 level 12 level 13 level 14 level 15 level
    Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village
    16 level 17 level 18 level 19 level 20 level

    Fast Attack Mode

    Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village
    1 level 2 level 3 level 4 level 5 level
    Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village
    6 level 7 level 8 level 9 level 10 level
    Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village
    11 level 12 level 13 level 14 level 15 level
    Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village Arqueras Tower / Village
    16 level 17 level 18 level 19 level 20 level


    • Archer Towers are very useful defensive structures, due to their ability to attack ground and air targets, and their range is considerably good.
    • You do not need to train an Archer to have the Archer Tower, nor do you need to unlock the Archer in your barracks. Any archer upgrades that have been completed in your Laboratory have no effect on the archer tower.
    • The Archers Tower is the first defense to unlock that can attack air troops.
    • The number of Archers in the tower is purely cosmetic. Archers tower with three Archers on top have the same range and damage rate as towers with only two Archers on top.
    • The archers tower is one of the three defenses that has troops on top of it, the other two are the mage's tower and the bomber tower.
    • When upgrading an archer tower, there are no archers in it. The Archers at the top also disappear while the tower is moving.
    • When upgraded, the tower appears at the base of the war as the previous level, without the archers at the top, although it is fully functional (the same goes for the Tower of Mages as well).



    • As you can attack both ground and air units from a great distance, it is a good idea to place them on the outer perimeter of the village, to allow you to take advantage of their excellent range and provide cover for the other defenses.


    • Although they can affect both types of troops (ground and air), they can only shoot one at a time, which makes these towers vulnerable when being attacked by numerous groups of troops.
    • It is advisable not to use balloons until the towers are destroyed, since being slow units, they are an easy target. If balloons are used, it is easier to use a group of these so that they can quickly destroy the archer towers with as few losses as possible.


    • Archer Towers undergo significant visual changes at levels 6, 11, 12, 13, and 14.
      • When initially built, the archer's tower has an open wooden fence that supports a flat wooden platform; An exterior wooden ladder leads from the ground to the platform level. From levels 2 to 5, the lattice structure and the wooden platform receive additional reinforcement.
      • At level 2, the archer tower receives 4 short posts on top and the wood gets thicker.
      • At level 3, the archer tower receives gray stone fillings on the legs and the short posts connect to each other on the platform.
      • At level 4, the archer tower has the fillings turned into supports and a small green flag is added under the platform.
      • At level 5, the archer tower gets a solid stone base connecting each support.
      • At level 6, the lattice supports and exterior staircase are removed, and solid vertical supports are added. The wooden platform receives the stone battlements and the green flag is extended to cover the interior.
      • At level 7, the stone battlements around the platform are reinforced and the solid stone base is higher to completely obscure the interior.
      • At level 8, the archer tower receives metal braces at the bottom of each leg.
      • At level 9, the archer tower flags are shortened to reveal the interior again and the metal on each leg turns into spikes.
      • At level 10, the flags are enlarged again, the golden plates are placed around the entire tower, and the wooden supports become darker.
      • At level 11, the color scheme changes completely as all wood is replaced with dark iron, and the battlements are given dark iron shields at each corner with stone skulls between them. The flag changes from green to orange.
      • At level 12, the tower gains gold protection shields on the bottom and gold spikes all over with silver corners on the top. The flag is replaced with dowels and the concrete walls are made of highly polished metal. Archers shoot with fire arrows. The boards where the archers are also change direction.
      • At level 13, the 3 gold guard shields merge into 2, becoming thicker and the silver on top turns gold instead. The plating of the lower spikes come together to become a deep crimson, and the corner shields turn red. The tower also gains a gold colored base on each leg and a lighter shade on the wood on top.
      • At level 14, the battlements turn white and now sport golden spikes, with golden chains connecting the two. Large gold nails replace smaller fixtures and the base is reinforced by a stone cladding.
      • At level 15, the tower's foundations are made of a concrete-like material, two-tone gray and smooth-looking. The foundation spikes and chains hanging from the battlements disappear, and the corners become black stone with slightly smaller spikes.
    • The number and apparent level of the archer in the tower also change with level:
      • When first built, the archer tower has two archers on its platform, with the appearance of a level 1 or 2 archer, and shoots normal arrows.
      • At 4th level, they start shooting fire arrows.
      • At 5th level, level 2 archers are exchanged for level 3 or 4 archers.
      • At 7th level, a third archer appears, and they switch to shooting purple arrows.
      • At 8th level, level 4 archers are exchanged for level 5 archers.
      • At 10th level, Archers arrows begin to explode on impact.
      • At 11th level, the level 5 archers are exchanged for level 6 archers and fire arrows again.
      • At 13th level, the level 6 archers are exchanged for level 7 archers, the arrows they shoot are reddish pink.
      • At 16th level, the appearance of archers changes to that of a level 8 archer.

    Constant improvement

    Town hall level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
    Quantity Available 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 8


    Arqueras Tower / Village
    Damage per second
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    Damage per shot
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    Construction time
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    obtained Arqueras Tower / Village
    Town Hall Required Level
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    1 11 5.5 380 1,000 1m 7 2
    2 15 7.5 420 2,000 30cm 42 2
    3 19 9.5 460 5,000 45cm 51 3
    4 25 12.5 500 20,000 3h 103 4
    5 30 15 540 80,000 8h 169 5
    6 35 17.5 580 180,000 8h 169 5
    7 42 21 630 360,000 12h 207 6
    8 48 24 690 720,000 12h 207 7
    9 56 28 750 1,000,000 16h 240 8
    10 63 31.5 810 1,500,000 1d 293 8
    11 70 35 890 2,000,000 1d 12h 360 9
    12 75 37.5 970 3,000,000 2d 415 10
    13 80 40 1,050 4,000,000 3d 509 10
    14 92 46 1,130 5,500,000 6d 720 11
    15 104 52 1,230 7,000,000 8d 831 11
    16 116 58 1,330 10,000,000 10d 929 12
    17 122 61 1,410 12,000,000 12d 1,018 12
    18 128 64 1,510 14,000,000 15d 1,138 13
    19 134 67 1,600 16,000,000 16d 1,175 13
    20 140 70 1,700 17,500,000 17d 1,211 14
    Scope Attack speed Type of damage Target unit type
    10 0.5 s Single objective Land and air


    Arqueras Tower / Village
    Damage per second
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    Damage per shot
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    Construction time
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    Town Hall Required Level
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    10 126 31,5 810 1.500.000 1 d 293 8
    11 140 35 890 2.000.000 1 d 12 h 360 9
    12 150 37,5 970 3.000.000 2 d 415 10
    13 160 40 1.050 4.000.000 3 d 509 10
    14 184 46 1.130 5.500.000 6 d 720 11
    15 208 52 1.230 7.000.000 8 d 831 11
    16 232 58 1.330 10.000.000 10 d 929 12
    17 244 61 1.410 12.000.000 12 d 1.018 12
    18 256 64 1.510 14.000.000 15 d 1.138 13
    19 268 67 1,600 16,000,000 16d 1,175 13
    20 280 70 1,700 17,500,000 17d 1,211 14
    Scope Attack speed Type of damage Target unit type
    7 0,25 s Single objective Land and air
    Refinement cost
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    Refinement time
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    Village Archer Tower Level Required
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    Required level of Torre de Arqueras TC
    Arqueras Tower / Village
    4.000.000 7 days 10 6
    Main Village Buildings
    Defensive buildings Canyon • Arqueras Tower • Mortar • Defense rockets • Wizard tower • Air traffic controller • Tesla tower • Bombardier tower • Crossbow • Infernal tower • Artillery Eagle • Tesla Gigator • Infernal Gigator • Catapult • Infernal Gigator (TH14) • Walls

    Traps: Bomb • Spring Trap • Aerial Bomb • Set of Explosives • Aerial Trace Mine • Skeleton Trap • Tornado Trap

    Resource buildings Town Hall • Gold Mine • Elixir Collector • Dark Elixir Extractor • Gold Store • Elixir Store • Dark Elixir Store • Clan Castle (Treasury)
    Army buildings Camp • Barracks • Dark Barracks • Laboratory • Spell Cauldron • Dark Spell Cauldron • Workshop • Altar of the Barbarian King • Altar of the Archer Queen • Altar of the Grand Sentinel • Altar of the Royal Fighter
    Other buildings Decorations • Obstacles • Builder's Hut • Master Builder's Hut • Ship • Loot Cart • Strongman's Caravan • Supersauna
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