"It controls the skies with powerful gusts of wind that knock back enemies in the air. It can only point in one direction; so spin it to maximize its effectiveness."
- The Air Controller is a defense, unlocked at Town Hall level 6, that shoots gusts of wind at air troops. Although it does not deal damage, it pushes air troops back, giving other defenses more time to take down these troops and preventing their advance.
- Because air traffic controllers lack damage, upgrading air traffic controllers increases takedown distance instead.
- You cannot interfere with ground troops in any way other than to distract them from attacking a more valuable target (for example, City Hall).
- As its description indicates, the Air Traffic Controller can only face a single general direction, although its wind gusts (covering a smaller angle) can be anywhere within this direction. Because of this, it can rotate 45 degrees at a time, and therefore has 8 directional settings.
- It can only fire gusts of wind in a 120 degree radius, so make sure you have it facing the side of the base that is most likely to be attacked by air troops.
- Its range is "1-15", which means it has a blind spot of 1 tile. For example, a Balloon that attacks directly above the Air Traffic Controller will not be pushed back.
- High-level air traffic controllers are capable of defending and ruining many air strikes and air troops. Use this information to destroy these attackers.
- They can hold the Balloons for an extremely long time, as long as there is nothing else in range of the Air Traffic Controller.
- The Electric Dragon can be held indefinitely by the Air Traffic Controller due to its extremely low rate of fire and slow speed.
- Air traffic controllers can be detrimental to an Inferno Dragon raid, as the recoil resets the charge time of his Inferno Beam.
- Make sure the sides of your base that are not covered by air traffic controllers are heavily defended by anti-aircraft defenses like Air Defense and the Archer's Tower if possible. Players can choose not to attack from the side that air traffic controllers cover and attack from opposite sides - if the sides not covered by air traffic controllers are heavily defended by other air defenses, the attack can be quickly defeated and this can lead to a defensive victory.
- Air Controllers are effective in keeping Lava Cubs or Minions away from defending heroes, and in causing large groups of enemy air troops to fan out or scatter.
- Air traffic controllers could be compared to walls in the sky. They can make enemy troops "pile up" (much like real walls do) and make them vulnerable to Sky Bombs and Wizard Towers.
- The value of air traffic controllers lies primarily in their ability to deter air strikes from a specific direction.
- As City Hall 6-8, one can face the Air Traffic Controller in one direction and charge the opposite side of the base with Air Traps.
- As a City 9-13 player, both air traffic controllers can stack to make a nearly impassable base segment for air troops; or both air traffic controllers can be oriented in different directions to provide a wider deterrent area. Placing them too close to each other will make them vulnerable to Lightning Spells.
- Air traffic controllers can be very effective in overriding the queen / guardian path strategy. If positioned and angled correctly, the Controller can force the Healers into range of the Air Defenses that will take them down. Even if the Controller doesn't do this, periodic gusts of wind can knock Healers out of healing range, interrupting their healing and allowing defenses an advantage.
- Air Controllers can push flying troops out of range of the Inferno Tower and reset the lightning damage, reducing the effectiveness of the Inferno Tower. Be careful with this when designing your base.
- You can orient the Air Controller in the direction of the weaker side of the base, forcing the attackers to attack (with air troops) from the stronger side of the base or risk being impeded by the Air Traffic Controller. This can be used to increase the odds of a defense in war and decrease the percentage that the attacker receives.
- Air Traffic Controllers can only cover a certain angle, so take advantage of and attack buildings that are not covered by Air Traffic Controllers.
- Slow airborne troops like Balloons will be the most devastated by this defense as they will take a relatively long time to get back to the building they were targeting. Combat this temporarily by using a Fury Spell or Haste Spell to make them faster.
- Four Lightning Spells of level 4 or higher are enough to eliminate Air Traffic Controllers of level 5 or lower. (If you use four Level 3 Lightning Spells, you will still be able to destroy Air Traffic Controllers level 3 and below.) To destroy a max level Air Controller, you will need four Lightning Spells if they are level 5 or higher, three if they are level 7 or higher, and only two if they are max level 9.
- When destroying Air Traffic Controllers with Lightning Spells for air strikes, it's best to also destroy an Air Defense or two with the same spells if possible for maximum value.
- It can be distracted by Dragons, Healers, or Minions, which can give any other troop more time to destroy it.
- Although the Air Traffic Controller covers a 120-degree sector-shaped area, it can only fire gusts of wind that cover a 30-degree angle. If you are facing an Air Traffic Controller with air troops, it is recommended to deploy them in a semi-circle formation if possible to minimize the Air Traffic Controller's effect.
- The Air Traffic Controller undergoes a significant visual change at levels 2, 4 and 5.
- When initially built, the air traffic controller has four wooden supports reinforced by small metal braces and a curved, square platform that supports a nozzle made of blue steel, which is tied to the platform by ropes. It also has a red air pump that compresses every few seconds to release the air used to push Troops back.
- At level 2, the mouthpiece is made larger and adds a decorative blue ring. The supports that support the platform itself are now made of smooth stone (or metal) instead of rope.
- At level 3, the four wooden supports get additional reinforcement of extra smooth stone (or metal) braces, one on each support. It is also reinforced on the side of the platform itself.
- At level 4, the platform itself is made of smooth stone (or metal) with gold supports on each side and reinforcing the side of the platform. It also earns steel bases.
- At level 5, the mouthpiece increases in size once more, this time with a black ring on it instead of a blue ring. The nozzle changes from being made of blue steel to being made of gray steel. The platform is completely gold, straps and all. The base is now reinforced while gaining full armor with gold points in each corner. All four brackets are now gold on the ends.
- At level 6, the armored base is now gold, and the supports gain gold spikes everywhere.
- At level 7, the armored base gets larger, with a thick white side plate, and has larger spikes. The ring on the blower also turns red, and part of the blower tube becomes larger.
April 30 2015
Added the Air Traffic Controller, with 6 levels and one of a kind to build.    
June 26, 2015
Sneak peek
Supercell has announced that there will be a 2nd Air Traffic Controller.
1 de julio de 2015
Added the 2nd Air Traffic Controller available in Town Hall level 9.
12 October 2016
Added Level 7 Air Traffic Controller to the game files, but it was not available in the game.
7 October 2017
Sneak peek
Air Traffic Controller level 7 announced.
11 October 2017
Added Level 7 Air Traffic Controller.
June 26, 2018
Changes in balance
- Reduced upgrade time at all levels.
- Level 1: 1d -> 12h

- Nivel 2: 3d -> 2d

- Nivel 3: 5d -> 3d 12h

- Nivel 4: 7d -> 4d 12h

- Nivel 5: 8d -> 5d 12h

- Nivel 6: 9d -> 6d

- Nivel 7: 10d -> 6d 12h

April 2 2019
- Reduced refresh times at level 1-6.
- Level 1: 12h -> 8h

- Level 2: 2d -> 16h

- Nivel 3: 3d 12h -> 1d

- Level 4: 4d 12h -> 1d 12h

- Nivel 5: 5d 12h -> 2d

- Nivel 6: 6d -> 4d

- Nivel 7: 6d 12h -> 6d

- upgrade costs reduced at level 4-7.
- Level 4: 2.400.000 -> 2.000.000

- Level 5: 4.800.000 -> 3.000.000

- Level 6: 7.200.000 -> 5.000.000

- Level 7: 9.600.000 -> 8.000.000

March 30 2020
- Now displays Air Controller with aiming angles correctly in village preview.
- Now it shows the correct frame of the Air Traffic Controller.
April 12 2021
- Reduced upgrade costs at level 1-7.
- Level 1: 500.000 -> 400.000

- Level 2: 750.000 -> 700.000

- Level 3: 1.250.000 -> 1.100.000

- Level 4: 2.000.000 -> 1.500.000

- Level 5: 3.000.000 -> 2.000.000

- Level 6: 5.000.000 -> 4.000.000

- Level 7: 8.000.000 -> 7.000.000

- Reduced refresh times on levels 1-7 (except level 5).
- Level 1: 8h -> 6h

- Level 2: 16h -> 12h

- Level 3: 1d -> 18h

- Nivel 4: 1d 12h -> 1d

- Nivel 6: 4d -> 3d

- Nivel 7: 6d -> 5d


Task of destroying Air Traffic Controllers (Clan Games)

Task of destroying Air Traffic Controllers (Seasonal Challenges)

A promotional image of the Air Traffic Controller featured at the sneak peek.
- The Air Controller recoil icon and the Dock Trap bounce icon are the same icon in different directions.
- The Air Traffic Controller attacks in a sector-shaped area of effect with an angle of 60 degrees, a maximum width of 5 tiles, and a length of 14. This animation takes place for 3,5 seconds, which means that the attacking troops do not can attack while being pushed for up to 1,2 seconds
- In China, air sweepers are called "air blowers."
- Units that are hit by the Air Controller are pushed in a direction normal (ie, perpendicular) to the curve of the air blast. This means that troops can fan out when hit by an attack and can re-target separately.
- The Air Controller is currently the only defense that can knock back air troops, and also the only defense that does not deal damage (the Spring Trap technically does not deal damage either, but instantly kills troops who step on it), if you don't have in Counts the Walls.
- It is the only defense that points only in one general direction.
- The Air Controller is one of the four defensive structures in the Home Village that has a blind spot, the others being the Mortar, the Artillery Eagle, and the Catapult.
- It is one of the 2 defensive buildings in the Home Village that can only target air troops, the other is the Defense Rocket.
- It is the only defensive building that reaches the maximum level of performance as soon as the City Hall. eleven.
- It is the defensive building that has the least blind spot, with 1 square. (The back of The Air Traffic Controller does not count.) == Icon Descriptions ==
 | Tapping on this icon will say information about the Air Traffic Controller, such as Level, Damage per second, Life, Range, Damage type and Targets. |
 | Tapping this icon begins upgrading the Controlador Aéreo to the next level, if you have enough resources and a free Builder. When the Controlador Aéreo is at maximum level, this icon is not shown. |
 | Tapping this icon instantly upgrades the Controlador Aéreo to the next level, at the cost of one Hammer of Building if you have one. When the Controlador Aéreo is at maximum level, or if the Town Hall requirements for the next level are not met, this icon is not shown. |
 | Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of the displayed number of Gems. |
 | Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Building. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Building. |
 | Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Everything. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Everything but do not have a Book of Building. |
 | Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, boosts all your Builders for 1 hour by a factor of ten, at the cost of one Builder Potion. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Builder Potion. |
 | Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, cancels the current upgrade and refunds half of the upgrade cost. |
Golden Pass modifiers 
Gold Pass Boost to change the stats in the tables below accordingly
Town Hall level
Available number
Recoil force
Upgrade time
Earned Experience
Town Hall level required
1.6 casillas
2.0 casillas
2.4 casillas
2.8 casillas
3.2 casillas
3.6 casillas
4.0 casillas
Attack speed
Type of damage
1 15
Air Freight
Main Village Buildings
Defensive buildings
Cannon • Archer Tower • Mortar • Defense Rockets • Wizard Tower • Air Controller • Tesla Tower • Bomber Tower • Crossbow • Inferno Tower • Artillery Eagle • Tesla Gigator • Infernal Gigator • Catapult • Infernal Gigatorre (TH14) • Walls
Traps: Bomb • Spring Trap • Aerial Bomb • Set of Explosives • Aerial Trace Mine • Skeleton Trap • Tornado Trap
Resource buildings
Town Hall • Gold Mine • Elixir Collector • Dark Elixir Extractor • Gold Store • Elixir Store • Dark Elixir Store • Clan Castle (Treasury)
Army buildings
Camp • Barracks • Dark Barracks • Laboratory • Spell Cauldron • Dark Spell Cauldron • Workshop • Altar of the Barbarian King • Altar of the Archer Queen • Altar of the Grand Sentinel • Altar of the Royal Fighter
Other buildings
Decorations • Obstacles • Builder's Hut • Master Builder's Hut • Ship • Loot Cart • Strongman's Caravan • Supersauna