Defensive Buildings - Resource Buildings - Army Buildings -
Traps - Other Buildings

"Traps make it easy to kick out unwanted guests."
Spring Trap
Set of explosives
air bomb
Aerial Tracking Mine
Skeleton Trap
Tornado trap
Temporary Traps
Pumpkin Bomb
Rain of gifts
Ice Trap
Reducing Trap
- Traps are relatively inexpensive structures that remain hidden until activated by an attacking troop moving within their activation radius. They inflict ill effects on attacking troops, such as direct damage or slowing them down.
- Once activated, the traps must be reset in order to be activated again. Doing so is free and happens automatically after the player connects.
- Traps do not need to be reset in Clan Wars, League of Legends, and Friendly Battles; in these scenarios, the traps will be active for each attack.
- Traps can greatly improve the effectiveness of a village's defense if placed correctly. For example, if your village successfully repels an attack while you are out of the game, but several of your traps are activated, any subsequent attacks will not have to deal with those traps until you put them back together.
- Traps do not have a "red zone", where troops cannot be deployed, allowing troops to be deployed directly on the traps. However, they can be placed within the "red zone" of other structures.
- Although commonly thought of as a trap, the Tesla Tower is not included on this list as it is actually a hidden Defensive Building and does not need to be reassembled for reuse.
- Traps are not buildings and do not need to be activated for your enemy to reach 100% destruction (nor do they count towards it).
- Traps do not need a free constructor to be set or rearmed, but they do require a Constructor to be improved.
- If a Bomb is activated and the battle ends before it explodes, it is still armed.
- Currently, all permanent traps have buff levels, but temporarily available traps are only one level and simply disappear from player bases when their respective events end.
- Traps are improved with the Builder's Hut.
- In many cases, improvement times are relatively short compared to building improvements.
- Most cheat levels are relatively low in cost compared to buildings.
- Different types of traps have different buffs - most traps get a damage boost when buffed, but some traps also get unique stat buffs such as increased duration or damage radius.
- Enhanced traps are visible to enemies; It's usually a good idea to relocate them while they upgrade to make sure enemies don't know where the traps are. However, remember to put them back in when the upgrade is done.
- Each trap must be individually improved. Upgrading a trap does not improve all traps of that type.
- Attackers can deploy troops on top of traps even when they are being upgraded.
- After activating a trap, it stays right where it was, but its status is "activated".
- After a trap has been activated, it needs to be reset. Rearmament is free and occurs automatically once the player logs in.
- You don't need an available Constructor to rearm the traps.
- Once a particular trap is upgraded, it is permanently upgraded. Upgrade levels do not disappear when activated.
- If a trap is activated by an attack and is not rearmed before the next attack, the activated traps are not visible to the next attacker, and will not appear or affect the battle in any way even if enemy troops move within their range of activation.