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    Tips to reach 100% happiness in Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter

    Consejos para alcanzar el 100% de felicidad en Fallout 4 y Fallout Shelter


    Welcome to Clash of Gaming, where you will find the best tips and tricks to achieve 100% happiness in the settlements and shelters of the game Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter. In this article, we will provide you with valuable information on how to improve the happiness of your inhabitants, get tips and tricks to achieve this, and how to increase overall happiness. We will also provide you with guides and strategies to raise and select the best dwellers in Fallout Shelter. Read on to become the best settlement and refuge leader!

    1. How to improve the happiness of the inhabitants

    The happiness of the inhabitants in settlements and shelters is crucial to the success of your game. Here are some tips to improve your happiness:

    1.1 Provide enough resources

    To keep your inhabitants happy, make sure they have enough resources like food, water, and energy. Build and upgrade the buildings necessary to meet these basic needs.

    1.2 Increases security

    Security is another important factor for the happiness of your inhabitants. Build watchtowers and assign residents with combat skills to protect the settlement from raiders and dangerous creatures.

    1.3 Improves quality of life

    In addition to basic needs, you must also improve the quality of life of your inhabitants. Build entertainment rooms, such as bars and game rooms, so they can relax and have fun. You can also decorate the settlement with decorative items to increase its happiness.

    2. Tips and tricks to increase happiness

    Here are some additional tips and tricks to increase the happiness of your inhabitants:

    2.1 Assign suitable residents

    Each dweller has different abilities and attributes. Assign the right dwellers to the right tasks to maximize efficiency and happiness. For example, assign dwellers with high charisma skills to entertainment rooms to increase overall happiness.

    2.2 Complete missions and objectives

    Complete missions and objectives to get rewards and increase the happiness of your inhabitants. These missions may include scavenging for supplies, eliminating threats, or exploring new areas.

    2.3 Keep the settlement clean

    A clean and orderly settlement contributes to the happiness of the inhabitants. Remove dirt and debris regularly to maintain a pleasant environment.

    3. Guides and strategies to raise and select the best inhabitants

    Breeding and selecting the best dwellers is essential to the success of your settlement. Here are some useful guides and strategies:

    3.1 Improves the abilities of the dwellers

    Train your dwellers in the skills necessary to perform different tasks. You can send them to specific training rooms to improve their combat skills, resource gathering, medicine, and more.

    3.2 Select dwellers with high attributes

    When recruiting new dwellers, pay attention to their attributes. Look for dwellers with high attributes in the skills you need for your settlement. This will ensure that they are more efficient at their tasks and contribute to overall happiness.

    3.3 Make improvements to shelters

    Upgrade your shelters to attract higher quality dwellers. As you increase the capacity and quality of your shelters, you will attract more talented dwellers with better attributes.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    FAQ 1: How can I increase the happiness of the inhabitants quickly?

    To increase the happiness of the inhabitants quickly, make sure to meet their basic needs for food, water and energy. Build entertainment rooms and assign dwellers with charisma abilities to these areas. Also, complete missions and objectives to get happiness-boosting rewards.

    FAQ 2: What is the importance of inhabitants' happiness in the game?

    The happiness of the inhabitants is important because it affects the efficiency and productivity of your settlement. Happy inhabitants will work faster and be more efficient in their tasks, allowing you to obtain more resources and progress through the game more effectively.


    We hope these tips and tricks help you achieve 100% happiness in Fallout 4 settlements and shelters and Fallout Shelter. Remember to provide sufficient resources, improve the safety and quality of life of your inhabitants, and select and raise the best inhabitants. Become the ultimate leader and enjoy a successful gaming experience! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear your opinion! Until next time!


    The Clash of Gaming team

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