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    The agreement between Sony and Microsoft to keep the Call of Duty game on PlayStation

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    In recent days, there has been great expectation in the gaming community due to the agreement between Sony and Microsoft to keep the Call of Duty game on PlayStation. This agreement has generated various opinions and speculation about the possible consequences that it could have on the availability of the game on the console. In this article, we will take a closer look at this deal and the concerns that have been raised around it.

    The agreement between Sony and Microsoft

    The agreement between Sony and Microsoft to keep the Call of Duty game on PlayStation has been met with surprise by the gaming community. Both companies have decided to join forces to ensure that PlayStation gamers can continue to enjoy this popular action game on their favorite console. However, this agreement has generated some concern among users.

    Possible consequences of the agreement

    One of the main concerns that has arisen as a result of this agreement is the possible exclusivity of the game on PlayStation. Some fear that Microsoft may limit the availability of Call of Duty on other platforms, which would affect Xbox and PC players. However, so far no exclusivity has been confirmed and both companies have ensured that the game will continue to be available on all platforms.

    Another concern that has been raised is the future of other popular games like Crash and Spyro on PlayStation. Some fear that this agreement could affect the availability of these games on the Sony console. However, no changes to the availability of these titles have been announced as of yet and they are expected to continue to be available to PlayStation gamers.

    PlayStation's refusal of a 10-year deal

    One of the information that has emerged about this agreement is that PlayStation did not accept a 10-year deal for Call of Duty. This has generated speculation about the reasons behind this decision. Some believe that PlayStation seeks to maintain flexibility to explore other options in the future, while others believe that this refusal could indicate a change in the company's strategy.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. When will the agreement between Sony and Microsoft take effect?

    Although the agreement between Sony and Microsoft has already been announced, an exact date for its implementation has not yet been specified. More details about how this deal will play out and when players will be able to experience Call of Duty on PlayStation are expected to be released in the coming months.

    2. What other consequences could this agreement have for the players?

    While no further consequences of the agreement between Sony and Microsoft have been announced as of yet, changes to the way the game is distributed and accessed may be implemented in the future. However, both companies have ensured that their main objective is to guarantee the best gaming experience for PlayStation users.


    The agreement between Sony and Microsoft to keep the Call of Duty game on PlayStation has generated great expectations in the gaming community. Although all the details about how this agreement will be carried out are not yet known, it is important to note that both companies are committed to ensuring that PlayStation gamers can continue to enjoy this popular game on their favorite console. We will be attentive to any news and will keep you informed.

    Do not hesitate to leave us your comments and share your opinion about this agreement between Sony and Microsoft! We want to hear your point of view and what you think about the possible consequences of this agreement on the availability of Call of Duty on PlayStation. We look forward to your comments!

    Until next time!

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