For the base version, see Witch.

"With her enhanced magical abilities, instead of summoning hordes of tiny skeletons, the Super Witch summons a single giant skeleton with impressive bone density."
5 level
- Your Order
- The Super Witch is a Witch-based Super Clothes. It can be unlocked by empowering the Witch when she is at least level 5.
- Super Witches do not have a preferred target when attacking; they will simply attack the closest building. However, once they become aware of the presence of enemy Clan Castle troops, Heroes, or Skeleton Trap skeletons (either by being attacked themselves or by being near another friendly troop under attack), they will leave the building. They were aiming and will face the enemy troops. Once all nearby enemy troops have been defeated, the Super Witches will proceed to attack the nearest structure.
- Empowering the witch requires 25.000 dark elixir or a super potion, and doing so allows the witch to be empowered for 3 days. The level of the Super Witch that you get from the boost corresponds to the level of the Witch you have.
- Due to the level requirement, players need Town Hall 12 to turn witches into super witches. However, players need a Clan Castle of level 8 or higher to get a donated one, which means they probably already have the troop unlocked or are going to do so soon.
- Instead of spawning hordes of skeletons, the Super Witch spawns a single giant skeleton known as the Big Guy that has high damage and hit points. He can only have one Big Man active at a time, although he can summon another if the Big Man is destroyed.
- Offensive Strategy
- Unlike normal Witches (who are weak to splash and multi-target damage), Super Witch is weak to single target damage. Therefore, she is better suited to take on areas with a high AoE capacity, such as Mage Towers and Multi-Target Hell Towers, than normal witches.
- Unlike other strategies where the death of a troop is not the end, each Super Witch who dies results in a loss of 40 living spaces, so protect them carefully.
- Super Witches work very well in a Smash-style attack. Each of the Big Guys serves as a tank for the others, and also gives the Super Witches time to spawn new Big Guys. If given a trajectory, they can destroy the center of the base.
- Compared to normal Witches, her Big Guy spawn takes a little longer to deploy. Bring Super Witch out of range of defenses to give her time to spawn Big Guy so she can take hits.
- The Artillery Eagle is likely to target Super Witches if they are not accompanied by other high health units. The Barbarian King is a good way to distract the Artillery Eagle, but you need to make sure to deploy it before the Artillery Eagle activates.
- It's important to channel the Super Witch and Big Guy to the important buildings. Consider bringing in some funnel troops (like Mages) or go on a hero walk to set up the funnel. A well-placed Super Witch can make the funnel herself if necessary.
- Ice Spells and Lightning Spells are great for stopping single-target Hell Towers and giving her and Big Guy some time to take them down.
- Defensive Strategy
- Super Witches are super weak to single target Hell Towers. Put them individually and it will be easier to defend them.
- Due to Super Witch's initial long spawn time, try to make sure all (or most) of the junk buildings are close to a defense, so they can pin Super Witch before Super Witch appears.
- Each Super Witch is worth slightly less than 1/7 of a maximum army. Try to include multiple paths at any point to divide them, and preferably away from the center of your base.
- The Super Witch can occupy an entire Clan Castle or leave 5 living spaces, which doesn't leave much to cover her weaknesses, making her a poor Clan Castle defending troop. The Super Witches cover each other for their Big Boy and their spawning. Having a large, open base will split the Big Kids and leave the Super Witches vulnerable.
- Curiosities
- You can have a maximum of 7 Super Witches at a time in a full set of fully upgraded Camps. This number increases to 8 if you include the one that can fit in a Clan Castle of level 8 or higher.
- The Super Witch occupies 40 accommodation slots, which is the tallest in the game, tied with the Ice Hound.
- The Super Witch was accidentally leaked by one of the developers, although nothing was known at all with the leak, only the existence.
- The Super Witch has the lowest minimum and maximum level of all the Super Clothes.
Preferred Target
Attack Type
Housing Space
Speed of movement
Attack speed
Special ability
Area splash
4 casillas
Empowerment Cost
Required Witch Level
Super Witches Training Time
1 Dark Barracks
2 Dark Barracks
Damage per Second
Damage per Attack
Life points
Training Cost
Main Village Troops
Elixir Troops
Barbarian • Archer • Giant • Goblin • Wall Breaker • Bombastic Balloon • Wizard • Healer • Dragon • PEKKA • Baby Dragon • Miner • Electric Dragon • Yeti (Miniyeti) • Dragon Rider
Dark Troops
Minion • Hog Rider • Valkyrie • Golem (Golemite) • Witch (Skeleton) • Lava Hound (Lava Cub) • Rock Thrower • Ice Golem • Hero Hunter
Super Barbarian • Super Hero • Super Giant • Sneaky Goblin • Super Wall Breaker • • Rocket Balloon • Super Magician • Inferno Dragon • Super Heirloom • Super Valkyrie • Super witch (Big Guy) • Ice Hound (Ice Cub) • Super Rock Thrower
Barbarian King • Archer Queen • Grand Sentinel • Royal Fighter
Elixir spells
Lightning Spell • Healing Spell • Fury Spell • Leap Spell • Ice Spell • Cloning Spell • Invisibility Spell
Dark Spells
Poison Spell • Earthquake Spell • Acceleration Spell • Skeleton Spell • Bats Spell
Siege Machines
Wallbreaker • War Airship • Stone Thrower • Siege Barracks • Log Thrower
LASSI • Electric Owl • Yak • Unicorn