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    Running the capital house in Clash of Clans

    Running the capital house in Clash of Clans


    Welcome to Clash of Gaming, where we bring you all the information you need about Clash of Clans. In this article, we will explain how the capital house works in the game, as well as other related features such as the leagues and the platforms it can be played on.

    What is the capital house?

    The capital house is a special building in Clash of Clans that represents the clan headquarters. It is the place where clan members can meet, plan strategies and coordinate attacks. In addition, the capital house is also the starting point for clan wars, where clans fight against each other to obtain rewards and level up.

    Capital House Operation

    The capital house has several important functions in Clash of Clans. First of all, it allows clan members to donate troops and spells to other members. This is crucial to strengthen the army and help clanmates in their attacks. In addition, the capital house also stores clan resources such as gold and elixir, which can be used to upgrade defenses and troops.

    Another key function of the capital house is the ability to challenge other clans to a war. Once a war starts, clan members must attack enemy bases and defend their own. The goal is to get as many stars as possible to win the war and get valuable rewards.

    Leagues in Clash of Clans

    Clash of Clans features a league system that allows clans to compete against each other at different skill levels. There are several leagues available, from the Bronze League to the League of Legends. Each league has different requirements and rewards, giving clans the opportunity to progress and take on more difficult challenges as they level up.

    Leagues in Clash of Clans also determine the level of war rewards. The higher the league a clan competes in, the better the rewards they can get from winning a war. This motivates clans to improve and level up for bigger benefits.

    Platforms you can play on

    Clash of Clans is a cross-platform game, which means that it can be played on different devices. The game is currently available for both iOS and Android devices, allowing players to enjoy the gaming experience on their phones and tablets.

    Furthermore, Clash of Clans can also be played on PC via Android emulators. This allows gamers to enjoy the game on a larger screen and use the keyboard and mouse for a better gaming experience.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. How can I join a house in the capital in Clash of Clans?

    To join a capital house in Clash of Clans, you need to find a clan that is recruiting new members. You can search for clans in the game or join through friend invites. Once you find a suitable clan, you can apply to join and wait for them to accept you.

    2. What are the benefits of leveling up in Clash of Clans leagues?

    Leveling up in Clash of Clans leagues has several advantages. Firstly, it allows you to take on more difficult challenges and compete with stronger clans. In addition, the war rewards are also better in higher leagues, allowing you to get more resources and valuable items. Finally, leveling up in the leagues also gives you recognition and prestige within the Clash of Clans community.


    In summary, the capital house is a fundamental element in Clash of Clans, since it represents the headquarters of the clan and allows members to coordinate attacks and participate in clan wars. In addition, the leagues and the platforms that can be played on are also important aspects of the game. We hope this article has clarified your doubts and provided you with useful information about how the capital house works in Clash of Clans.

    Do not hesitate to leave us your comments and share your experiences in Clash of Clans! We'd love to hear what you think and answer any questions you may have. Until next time!

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