Welcome to Clash of Gaming, where we bring you all the information you need to become a Pokémon Master in Pokémon Go. In this article, we'll teach you how to heal and revive your Pokémon so you can keep them in tip-top shape on your adventures. Read on to discover all the secrets!
1. How to heal your Pokémon
Healing your Pokémon is essential to keeping them healthy and ready for battle. There are several ways to heal your Pokémon in Pokémon Go:
1.1. Use of potions and super potions
Potions and Super Potions are items you can obtain by spinning PokéStops or by leveling up. These items allow you to heal your Pokémon quickly and easily. Simply select the Pokémon you want to heal, click the Heal button, and choose the amount of health you want to restore.
1.2. Visit to a Pokémon Center
If your Pokémon are seriously injured and need a full heal, you can visit a Pokémon Center. These special locations allow you to heal all of your Pokémon for free. You just need to go up to Nurse Joy, give her your Pokémon and wait for her to heal them. Remember that you can only visit one Pokémon Center every so often!
2. How to revive your Pokémon
If your Pokémon have been defeated in battle, you will need to revive them so they can fight again. Here we show you how to do it:
2.1. Using Revive and Max Revive
Revive and Max Revive items allow you to revive your defeated Pokémon. Just like potions, you can get these items by spinning PokéStops or by leveling up. To revive a Pokémon, select the revive item in your inventory and choose the Pokémon you want to revive. If you want to revive all your Pokémon at once, use the max revive item.
2.2. Visit to a Pokémon Center
If your Pokémon are completely defeated and you don't have a revive or max revive, you can visit a Pokémon Center to have them revived. Just like with healing, go up to Nurse Joy, give her your Pokémon, and wait for her to revive them. Remember that you can only visit one Pokémon Center every so often, so use this option with caution.
3. Obtaining items to catch and heal Pokémon
In addition to healing and reviving your Pokémon, it's important to get items that help you catch and heal them. Here's how to get them:
3.1. Spin PokéStops
PokéStops are special places where you can get items like potions, super potions, revives, and max revives. Just walk up to a PokéStop, spin the disk, and collect the dropped items. Remember that PokéStops recharge from time to time, so be sure to visit them regularly.
3.2. Level Up
As you level up in Pokémon Go, you'll unlock new items to help you catch and heal Pokémon. Some of these items include Razz Berries, Pinap Berries, and Orange Berries, which allow you to increase your chances of catching wild Pokémon. In addition, you will also unlock more powerful items, such as hyper potions and max revives.
4. How to heal and purify shadow Pokémon
In Pokémon Go, you can also find Shadow Pokémon, which have been corrupted by Team GO Rocket. Here's how to heal and purify these Pokémon:
4.1. Battle against members of Team GO Rocket
In order to heal and purify Shadow Pokémon, you must first defeat Team GO Rocket members in battle. These encounters can occur at special PokéStops that have been invaded by Team GO Rocket. Once you defeat a member of Team GO Rocket, you will have a chance to capture their shadow Pokémon.
4.2. Use of stardust and candies
Once you've captured a Shadow Pokémon, you can use Stardust and Candy to heal and purify it. Stardust is used to increase the Pokémon's Battle Points (CP), while Candy is used to unlock special moves and evolve the Pokémon. The higher the purification level, the stronger the Pokémon will be.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Can I heal my Pokémon during a battle?
No, you cannot heal your Pokémon during a battle in Pokémon Go. You need to make sure that your Pokémon are in top form before starting a battle. Use potions, super potions, or visit a Pokémon Center to heal your Pokémon before taking on a challenge.
2. How long should I wait to visit a Pokémon Center again?
You must wait at least 5 minutes to visit a Pokémon Center again in Pokémon Go. This is because Pokémon Centers need time to recharge and be ready to heal your Pokémon. If you try to visit a Pokémon Center before the waiting time has passed, you will receive a message indicating that you need to wait a little longer.
In short, healing and reviving your Pokémon in Pokémon Go is essential to keeping them in top shape during your adventures. Use potions, super potions, revives, and max revives to heal and revive your Pokémon. Visit a Pokémon Center when your Pokémon need a full heal. Also, don't forget to get items to catch and heal Pokémon by spinning PokéStops and leveling up. With these tips, you'll be a Pokémon master in no time!
We hope this article has been useful to you. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear your opinion! Until next time, trainers!
Article written by the Clash of Gaming team.
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