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    Homescapes minigames: tips, tricks and secrets of the game

    Homescapes minigames: tips, tricks and secrets of the game

    Welcome to Clash of Gaming, where you will find all the information you need about Homescapes minigames. In this article, we will provide you with tricks, tips, and secrets to clear levels, as well as strategies, hacks, and tips for Android and iPhone mobiles. Read on to become a Homescapes expert!

    1. Tips and tricks to beat levels

    Beating the levels in Homescapes can be quite a challenge, but with the right tips and tricks, you'll be able to progress quickly through the game. Here are some helpful tips:

    • Plan your moves: Before starting a level, take a moment to scan the board and plan your moves. This will help you maximize your plays and reach your goals faster.
    • Combine Power-Ups: Make the most of the game's power-ups by combining them with each other. For example, if you have a rocket and a bomb, combine them to create a massive explosion that will clear many obstacles.
    • Use extra moves wisely: Sometimes the game will give you extra moves at the start of a level. Use them strategically to remove difficult obstacles or create powerful combinations.

    2. Guides and secrets of the game

    If you are looking for guides and secrets for Homescapes, you are in the right place. Here we will reveal some secrets of the game and provide you with step-by-step guides to beat the most difficult levels:

    Game secrets:

    • Unlock Hidden Rooms: As you progress through the game, you will discover hidden rooms in the mansion. Explore every corner and unlock these rooms for special rewards.
    • Complete Special Events: Homescapes offers special events that allow you to win exclusive prizes. Be sure to participate in them and complete the challenges for additional rewards.

    Step by step guide to beat difficult levels:

    1. Analyze the level: Before you begin, study the level and look for opportunities to create powerful combinations.
    2. Use power-ups: If you have power-ups available, use them wisely to remove obstacles and reach your goals faster.
    3. Concentrate your movements on the main objectives: In difficult levels, it is important to focus on the main objectives and not waste time on unnecessary movements.
    4. Combine Power-ups: Combine power-ups to create powerful effects that will help you beat the most difficult levels.

    3. Strategies to beat levels

    If you are looking for effective strategies to beat levels in Homescapes, you are in the right place. Here are some strategies that will help you advance in the game:

    • Know the objectives: Before starting a level, make sure you understand the objectives and how to achieve them. This will allow you to plan your moves more effectively.
    • Combine Power-Ups: Get the most out of power-ups by combining them with each other. Experiment with different combinations to discover the most powerful ones.
    • Use extra moves carefully: Extra moves can be useful, but use them with caution. Make sure that each additional move brings you closer to your goals.

    4. The best tricks and hacks

    If you are looking for the best cheats and hacks for Homescapes, you are at the right place. Here are some of the most effective tricks:

    • Connect the game to Facebook: By connecting the game to your Facebook account, you can receive additional rewards and play with your friends.
    • Participate in special events: Special events offer exclusive rewards. Be sure to participate in them to get additional advantages in the game.
    • Use power-ups wisely: Power-ups can be very helpful, but use them carefully. Be sure to use them at strategic times to maximize their effectiveness.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. How can I recover the level and progress in the game?

    If you've lost your level or progress in Homescapes, don't worry. The game is designed to sync with your Facebook account or Google Play Games account (on Android devices) or Game Center (on iOS devices). Just log into your account and your level and progress will be restored automatically.

    2. What are the tips for Android and iPhone mobiles?

    The tips for Android and iPhone mobiles are the same, as Homescapes is compatible with both operating systems. Make sure you have the latest version of the game installed on your device and follow the tips and tricks mentioned above to improve your gaming experience.


    In short, Homescapes minigames offer a fun and challenging experience. With the tips, tricks, and secrets provided in this article, you will be able to beat difficult levels, unlock hidden rooms, and master the game. Remember to plan your moves, combine power-ups and use effective strategies to reach your goals. Have fun playing Homescapes!

    We hope this article has been useful to you. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear your opinion! Until next time!

    Article written by the Clash of Gaming team

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