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    • Level 1 & 2
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    • 5 level
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    • Level 7 & 8
    • 9 level
    • 10 level
    Henchman Henchman Henchman Henchman Henchman Henchman Henchman

    General Information

    Preferred TargetHenchman


    Damage TypeHenchman

    Ranged (Earth and Air)


    2.75 casillas

    Living spaceHenchman



    18 seconds

    Speed ​​of movementHenchman


    Attack speedHenchman

    1 second


    Cumulative CostHenchman

    880,000 Henchman

    Cumulative TimeHenchman

    67 days 12 hours Henchman Henchman
    • This terror of the skies was born from the dark elixir. Undetectable by the aerial tracking mine, minions materialize easily, but they are fragile in our world.



    The minion is a blue creature with wings and horns.

    • Starting at level 3, it turns a darker blue, similar to purple.
    • At level 5, it turns almost black and the eyes no longer have a pupil.
    • At level 6 it is purple again, but keeping the eyes of level 5.
    • From levels 7 to 8 it has yellow wing and horn edges.
    • At level 9 it is slightly brighter and falls back to level 3 blue-purple, but the wing and horn edges are phosphorescent blue.


    • The Minion is a fast, cheap and relatively weak ranged unit. Its appearance is that of a gargoyle with large horns, stubby wings, and large hands with sharp vicious claws covered in what appears to be Dark Elixir.
    • It is the first Troop to be unlocked Dark Elixir.
    • He is made from Dark Elixir and is trained in the Dark Barracks.
    • The Minion's method of attack is to spit out Dark Elixir.
    • Because it is a flying troop, the Minion cannot be attacked by Cannons, Mortar, Bomb Tower, Crossbow in ground mode, but is extremely vulnerable to Defense Rockets, Mage Tower, Hell Tower in multi-target, and Air Bomb. .
    • Of all Dark Troops, the Minion has the lowest health and deals the least damage per second. It also has the fastest training time and requires the smallest housing space per unit. On a per dwelling space basis, the Minion has the highest DPS of all Dark Troops (and is fifth among all other troops, after Goblin, Mage, Bombastic Balloon, and Barbarian).
    • Air Tracking Mine does not detect Minions, but the regular Air Bomb does and they can kill large groups quickly.



      • It is extremely useful to carry a small number of Minions (about 10) to pick up buildings that are defended only by ground defenses (Mortar s, Cannon, Bomb Tower, and Crossbow Ground Mode). This is especially useful in Clan Wars as they move fast and can easily remove passive distraction buildings once most of the base is destroyed.
      • Minions are relatively inexpensive and take up only 2 living spaces, making them well suited to use in a party strategy.
      • The Minions are part of a very efficient agricultural attack strategy for Town Halls 7, 8, 9 and even 10, called Loonion. Loonion is often brought in with Rage Spells, Minions, Haste Spells, Poison Spell, and Bombastic Balloon. The player will make a wall of Bombastic Balloon where the air attack defenses are mostly, and if necessary, he will support them with a haste spell or a rage spell. They then deploy the minions to clean up behind once the first layer of defenses is taken down. However, Air Bombs can seriously ruin this attack if many Bombastic Balloons or Minions are grouped together because Air Bombs can completely eliminate Minions and leave Bombastic Balloons damaged, or even completely destroyed unless a timely healing spell is released. to prevent the balloons from being destroyed.
      • Minions can be destroyed by a single Air Bomb; therefore a good strategy is to deploy them one at a time in different locations to activate the Air Bombs, and then follow up by deploying them en masse. It does not apply to Air Tracking Mine as Minions are undetectable by them and therefore will not activate them.
      • As is the case with all flying units, Tower of Archers / Village, Tower of Mages and Air Defense s must be eliminated before Minions are deployed.
      • Using Giants as a distraction when using Minions to attack other buildings is a good idea as Giants will attack defensive buildings and keep them occupied while Minions attack all exterior buildings for less than 50% damage.
        • Note that while Giants can be used to destroy an Air Defense, they will not occupy your attention while it is being attacked because it cannot attack enemies on the ground.
      • Like Globo s, Minions are exceptionally useful in the single-player Campaign. You can simply destroy all Air Defenders, Archer Towers and Mage Towers, and then field a single Minions. It will destroy all buildings. It takes a bit of patience, but it's worth it in the end. In the single player Campaign, there is no time limit, so an unthreatened Minions will eventually destroy all buildings.
        • Important note: In many cases, a single Minions will take enough time to destroy the remaining buildings that their game will end due to inactivity, causing their attack to end prematurely and not be successful (regardless of how many stars you had earned up to that point). To prevent this from happening, deploy multiple Minions, move the screen, tap on the red zone, or simply change your view every so often by scrolling or zooming.
      • Minions can overpower Air Defense as they are single-target defenses, but watch out for Mage Towers that deal splash damage unless you don't group minions.
      • A good way to use Minions is to use a meat shield like Dragon s or Lava Hound s as most Air Defense s and Air Bomb s can kill Minions very quickly. While Air Defenses can be swarmed, Air Bombs can take out an entire horde of Minions, but are otherwise ineffective against Dragons and Lava Hounds. Searching for Air Mines poses a threat to Flesh Shields, but Minions cannot activate them.
    • 'Defensive strategy'
      • It really helps


    Preferred Target Henchman Damage Type Henchman Housing Spaces Henchman Speed ​​of movement Henchman Attack speed Henchman Barracks Level Required Henchman Scope Henchman
    None Ranged (Earth and Air) 2 32 1s 1 2.75 Frames

    Minion Training Time

    Minion Training Time
    Number of Barracks Required Training time
    Normal Training Time Boosted with 10% Boosted with 15% Boosted with 20%
    1 36s 33s 31s 29s
    2 18s 16s 15s 14s


    Level Henchman Damage per second Henchman Life points Henchman Training cost Henchman Research Cost Henchman Required Laboratory Level Henchman Research Time Henchman
    1 35 55 4 N/A N/A N/A
    2 38 60 5 10,000 5 3 days
    3 42 66 6 20,000 6 3d 12h
    4 46 72 7 30,000 6 4 days
    5 50 78 8 40,000 7 5d 12h
    6 54 84 9 50,000 8 7d 12h
    7 58 90 10 140,000 9 11d 12h
    8 62 96 11 180,000 10 14 days
    9 66 102 12 250,000 11 15d 12h
    10 70 108 13 300,000 12 16d 12h
    Main Village Troops
    Elixir Troops Barbarian • Archer • Giant • Goblin • Wall Breaker • Bombastic Balloon • Wizard • Healer • Dragon • PEKKA • Baby Dragon • Miner • Electric Dragon • Yeti (Miniyeti) • Dragon Rider
    Dark Troops Henchman • Hog Rider • Valkyrie • Golem (Golemite) • Witch (Skeleton) • Lava Hound (Lava Cub) • Rock Thrower • Ice Golem • Hero Hunter
    Supertropas Superbarbarian • Supergirl • Supergiant • Sneaky Goblin • Superbreaker • • Rocket Balloon • Supermagus • Inferno Dragon • Supermind • Supervalkyrie • Super Witch (Big Guy) • Ice Hound (Ice Pup) • Super Rock Thrower
    Heroes Barbarian King • Archer Queen • Grand Sentinel • Royal Fighter
    Elixir spells Lightning Spell • Healing Spell • Fury Spell • Leap Spell • Ice Spell • Cloning Spell • Invisibility Spell
    Dark Spells Poison Spell • Earthquake Spell • Acceleration Spell • Skeleton Spell • Bats Spell
    Siege Machines Wallbreaker • War Airship • Stone Thrower • Siege Barracks • Log Thrower
    Animals LASSI • Electric Owl • Yak • Unicorn

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