Welcome to Clash of Gaming, where we bring you all the information you need about Fortnite. In this article, we'll provide you with details on the duration of Fortnite seasons and chapters, as well as the start and end dates of specific seasons. If you are a fan of this popular game, keep reading!
length of seasons
One of the most frequently asked questions Fortnite players have is how long the seasons last. Each Fortnite season lasts an average of 10 weeks. However, it is important to note that Epic Games, the developer of the game, can adjust the length of the seasons based on their needs and special events. Therefore, some seasons may be shorter or longer than others.
Current Season: Chapter 2 - Season 7
Currently, we are in Season 7 of Chapter 2 of Fortnite. This season started on June 8, 2021 and is expected to end in mid-August 2021. During this season, players can enjoy exciting new features, challenges, and events.
previous seasons
If you are interested in knowing the duration of previous seasons, here is a summary:
- Chapter 2 - Season 6: It lasted approximately 12 weeks, from March 16, 2021 to June 8, 2021.
- Chapter 2 - Season 5: It lasted approximately 15 weeks, from December 2, 2020 to March 16, 2021.
- Chapter 2 - Season 4: It lasted approximately 14 weeks, from August 27, 2020 to December 2, 2020.
Duration of the chapters
In addition to the seasons, players are also wondering how long each Fortnite chapter lasts. Until now, Fortnite has had two main chapters: Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.
Chapter 1
Fortnite Chapter 1 was released on July 25, 2017, and ran for approximately 10 seasons. Each season of Chapter 1 had an average length of 10 weeks, which means that Chapter 1 as a whole lasted around 100 weeks.
Chapter 2
Fortnite Chapter 2 began on October 15, 2019 and is still ongoing. So far, there have been 7 seasons in Chapter 2, each lasting an average of 10 weeks. This means that Chapter 2 has lasted approximately 70 weeks to date.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. When will the next season of Fortnite start?
The exact start date of the next season of Fortnite has not yet been announced by Epic Games. However, based on previous season lengths, we can expect the next season to start approximately 1-2 weeks after the current season ends. Be sure to keep an eye on official Fortnite news and updates for the latest information on the upcoming season.
2. How can I get information about the events and challenges of each season?
Epic Games usually publishes detailed information about the events and challenges of each season on its official website and on the Fortnite social networks. Also, within the game, you will find a News tab where important announcements and updates are posted. Feel free to check these sources to keep up with what's new in Fortnite.
In summary, Fortnite seasons have an average duration of 10 weeks, but this can vary depending on the decisions of Epic Games. We are currently in Chapter 7 Season 2, which began in June 2021. Fortnite Chapter 1 lasted for about 100 weeks, while Chapter 2 has lasted for about 70 weeks to date. If you're a Fortnite fan, make sure you stay on top of official news and updates so you don't miss out on any exciting seasons. See you on the battlefield!
Leave us your comments and share your experiences in Fortnite! We would love to know what you think about the length of the seasons and episodes. Would you like the seasons to be longer or shorter? What do you think of the events and challenges of each season? We look forward to your opinions!
Until next time, Fortnite players!