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    Clan Games

    Clan Games "Clan Games consist of completing Challenges and earning points together with your clan mates"


    General Summary

    • Clan Games are an event type introduced in the December 2017 update.
    • These games introduce tasks and challenges into the game for clan members to attempt to complete.
    • Clan Games are only available to players with Town Hall 6 or higher.
    • If a player finishes leveling up Town Hall 6 mid-game, they will be able to participate once the leveling up is complete.


    Clan Games

    Clan Games Settings

    • Clan Games occur whenever the Hefty Caravan sets up next to your village (to the right of the Clan Statue from the player's point of view). When interacting with the caravan, it will display the Clan Challenges available to the Clan.
    • These Challenges give players different types of tasks that they must complete in a given time, such as destroying certain buildings or using certain troops. These tasks can involve the Main Village or the Builder's Base. The Builder Base Challenges have a different frame, being darker with stars.
    • The list of Challenges available for a Clan are the same for all members. Therefore, it is in a clan's interest to determine which members are the best for each challenge (for example, a TH6 should not start a "Destroy Hell Towers" challenge).
    • Once a member accepts a challenge, new ones appear in their place, so a clan can never run out of challenges to accept.
    • Each challenge has a point reward. The more difficult challenges will give a greater amount of points.
    • If you get a certain number of points, you will unlock rewards. These rewards range from resources (including gems) to magic items.
    • During certain Clan Games, some Challenges may award more points than usual. These highest points are highlighted in gold.
    • While Clan Games are in progress, players within the clan can compare their point contributions against each other by looking at the "Clan" tab. Players are ranked based on the number of points scored; ties (usually when players have reached maximum points) are broken by whoever has reached the total points first.


    Main article: Clan Games / Challenges (coming soon)

    • The challenges are designed to test your strength in different areas. Completing a challenge within its time limit earns your clan points.
    • The challenges vary in difficulty. If one of them seems too difficult, ask your clanmates to do it.
    Clan Games


    • If you accept a Challenge that you cannot finish, you can throw it away.
    • Please note that a 10 minute timer will appear and that you will have to wait for the timer to expire after throwing a challenge before you can tackle a new challenge. However, you can spend gems to clear the timer and continue.
    • If you let the challenge timer expire naturally, you will fail the challenge, which means you will not receive any points. Then you can do one of these two things
    • Discard the failed challenge, which behaves similarly to discarding a challenge normally, except without the cooldown, allowing you to immediately accept a new challenge.
    • Continue the expired task using Gems, which resets the original time limit (as long as the general timer allows) and allows you to continue working on the challenge.
    • In each Clan Game, each member of the clan is limited to earning a certain number of points for the clan. When they have reached the maximum number of points allowed (usually 4000), they cannot accept any more challenges.
    • Excess points earned do not count toward points earned for reward tiers, but counts toward points earned toward the games champion achievement.
    • The full list of challenges can be found here: Clan Games / Challenges (coming soon)


    • When the Clan Games are over, it's time to enjoy the rewards!
    • The rewards come in the form of resources and magic items. The amounts of Gold, Elixir, and Dark Elixir depend on the player's Treasury capabilities, which in turn depend on the player's Town Hall level and Clan Proficiencies.
    • There are several different levels that are unlocked as your clan accumulates points from completed Challenges.
    • Everyone who has participated in the Clan Games by completing at least one Challenge will be able to choose a reward from each reward level the Clan has achieved.
    • If players reach a certain threshold (usually the maximum points allowed) in games, they will also be able to choose an extra reward from any unlocked level, in addition to the usual rewards.
    • The usual rewards of the Clan Games must be claimed simultaneously; If the player has earned an extra reward, it can be claimed independently of the usual rewards.
    • If the player chooses magic items that they cannot keep, they can choose to sell them for gems.
    • The chosen resources will be deposited in the Treasury; Magic Items will be deposited at City Hall, and can also be found at the Builder's Workshop if the player travels to their Builder Base.
    • Unclaimed rewards can remain in the caravan and are completely safe from attackers, however they will be lost after 7 days. Players can visit the caravan before claiming their rewards and see how much time they have left to claim them.
    • If you leave your clan before the Clan Games end and you have achieved a challenge, you will continue to receive the rewards; You won't even have to go back to the clan you were in to collect them. However, it will not allow you to start games with another clan; it will simply tell you to go back to the original clan you started in to continue with the Games.
    • Resource rewards (gold, elixir, dark elixir) are adjusted based on your treasury capacity. The treasury capacity is affected by the level of your town hall and the levels of the clan advantages. Clan Games resource rewards are locked once you first open the Clan Games Caravan. You can enjoy the maximum resource rewards if you first open the Caravan in a Clan of level 10 or higher, and then start and complete the Clan Games in another Clan (even if it is a Clan of level 9 or lower).
    • For Town Hall 6 players, the Dark Elixir options will be replaced by a different reward; usually gold or Elixir of the same proportion of the Treasury (if not, it will be replaced by Magic Items). However, the Hero Pocima and the Dark Elixir Rune are not replaced by other Magic Items; players can claim and use them when they reach Town Hall 7 or higher. Also, for players at Town Hall 10 and below, the Super Potion options will be replaced by another potion.
    • The Clan as a whole earns Clan XP after Clan Games end, based on how many reward levels the Clan has earned. The total amount of XP the Clan will earn for the next level is displayed while games are in progress; If and when the highest level is reached, this amount becomes the amount the Clan will earn at the end of the games.
    • Clan XP awarded varies from game to game.


    • There are two Easter Eggs found in the Caravan. If you touch the fireworks, they will explode in the air over the caravan. If you touch the horse, it will sneeze. Clan Games Clan Games

      The Hefty

      • Fireworks look like a Builders Base building, Firecrackers with a different palette.
      • The horse looks a bit like the Prince's horse from Clash Royale.
      • Along with Clan Games, a character named Hefty (as seen on the right) arrived. He is supposed to be the one who captains the Hefty Caravan, however he is never seen in the game, except in the Clan Games menu on the left.
      • Players cannot start new challenges when the time remaining in Clan Games is less than 1 minute, even if the challenge could be completed within this time period.
      • A maximum of 50 players can contribute points to the Clan Games for any particular clan. Any other clan player who has not contributed if 50 players have already contributed, will not be able to start challenges or receive rewards.


    All previous Clan Games can be found under Clan Games / Archive.

    Note: Resource rewards are listed as a percentage of the player's Treasury capacity, so for example
    "20% Clan Games"means Gold equal to 20% of the player's Treasury capacity. This is done to make the tables more compact.

    Dark Elixir resource rewards are substituted for players if they are from Town Hall 6. The alternate reward, if there is data on it, can be displayed by hovering over the Dark Elixir reward.

    Reward Level Accumulated Points Needed Accumulated Clan XP Awarded Clan Games
    Sixth Clan Game: May 22-28, 2021
    Individual point limit: 4,000 Clan Games
    Required Score for Bonus Reward: 4,000 Clan Games
    Players needed for the max level: 13
    'Note: The following challenges were boosted and awarded double points:
    List of boosted challenges:
    (scroll to see full list)
    • Mortar assault
    • Dark Elixir Storage Assault
    • Destroy Catapults
    • Destroy Altars of the Archer Queen
    • Lord of Destruction
    • Helping Hand
    • Gardening exercise
    • Barbarian Fight
    • Giant Opportunity
    • Balloon Blitz
    • Baby Dragon Bamboozle
    • Builders Battle Victories
    • Builder Battle Star Master
    • Builder Battle Destructor
    • Witching hour
    • Lava is love
    • Assault on the gold store
    • Strike Laboratory
    • Spell Factory Sabotage
    • Destroy the Hell Towers
    • Destroy the bomb towers
    • Destroy Altars of the Barbarian King
    • Destroy the Altars of the Great Guardians
    • Chaos in the gold mines
    • Elixir Storage Raid
    • Cannon butcher shop
    • Gold Grip
    • Stack of victories
    • Elixir embezzlement
    • Dark Elixir Steal
    • Double barrel problems
    • Breaking crystals
    • Unfolded Clock Towers
    • Builder's Room Explosion
    • Firecracker strike
    • Theft of gems
    • Giant Problem
    • Disappointment of the Posts
    • Elimination of the Eagle Artillery
    • Elimination of the Elixir Bomb
    • Assault on the Wizard's Tower
    • Assault on the Archer's Tower
    • Dark Elixir Plumbing
    • Sabotage of the Dark Spell Factory
    • Destroy Air Sweepers
    • Winning streak
    • Hunter of Queen Levels
    • Shocking turn of events
    • Erasing the wall
    • Speedy Stars
    • Icy Onslaught
    • Bad weather day
    • Healing is magic
    • Need for Speed
    • Swarm Season
    • Ground Is Angry
    • Witch & Assistant
    • Fight fire
    • Master of Mystery
    3,000 7,500 12,000 18,000 30,000 50,000
    20 60 120 200 300 420
    Reward option 1 25% 35% Clan Games 4x Clan Games 75% 1x Builder Elixir Rune 1x Spell Book
    Reward option 2 20x 1x Obstacle Shovel 2x Potion of Power 1x Super Potion 95% 1x Dark Elixir Rune
    Reward option 3 1x Clock Tower Potion 1x Training Potion 40x Clan Games 1x Building Potion 2x Research Potion 100x Clan Games
    Reward Option 1 Reward Option 2 Reward Option 3
    Sixty-Second Clan Games: June 22-28, 2021
    Individual point limit: 4,000 Clan Games
    Required Score for Bonus Reward: 4,000 Clan Games
    Players needed for the max level: 13
    'Note: The following challenges were boosted and awarded double points:
    List of boosted challenges:
    (scroll to see full list)
    Level de Recompensa I II III IV V VI
    Accumulated points required Clan Games 3,000 7,500 12,000 18,000 30,000 50,000
    Clan Accumulated Expertise Granted Clan Games 20 60 120 200 300 420
    25% Clan Games 25% Clan Games (TH7+)
    1x Clan Games (FRI)
    4x Clan Games 75% Clan Games (TH7+)
    2x Clan Games (FRI)
    95% Clan Games 1x Clan Games
    20x Clan Games 1x Clan Games 1x Clan Games 75% Clan Games 1x Clan Games 1x Clan Games
    1x Clan Games 1x Clan Games 40x Clan Games 1x Clan Games 2x Clan Games 100x Clan Games
    Sixty-third Clan Game: July 22-28, 2021
    Individual point limit: 4,000 Clan Games
    Required Score for Bonus Reward: 4,000 Clan Games
    Players needed for the max level: 13
    'Note: The following challenges were boosted and awarded double points:
    List of boosted challenges:
    (scroll to see full list)
    • Elixir Storage Assault
    • Wizard tower war
    • Cannon butcher shop
    • Dark Elixir Plumbers
    • Destruction of the Altars of the Great Guardians
    • Dark Elixir Theft
    • Challenge of the Dark Elixir
    • Power Healing
    • Lava is love
    • Sneaky Archer Snipehunt
    • Beta minion fight
    • Boxer Giant Punch-Up
    • Cannon Cart Cruise
    • Wizard wars
    • Horde Havoc
    • PEKKA hit
    • Ride of the Valkyries
    • Rocking Along
    • Bowling Time
    • Elimination of the Elixir Bomb
    • Gold Mine Mayhem
    • Destroy the Tesla Towers
    • Builders Battle Victories
    • Builder's Battlemaster
    • Stack of victories
    • Assault on the gold store
    • Mortar assault
    • Assault on the Archer's Tower
    • Destroy Aerial Sweepers
    • Destroy air defenses
    • Destroy Hell Towers
    • Destroy Bomb Towers
    • Destroy Bows X
    • Star Collector
    • Theft of gems
    • Giant Problem
    • Firefighter on duty
    • Break crystals
    • Unrolling Clock Towers
    • Crushing the Shredders
    • Elimination of the Eagle Artillery
    • Lord of Destruction
    • Battle Destroyer Constructor
    • Clan Castle Charge
    • Lab hit
    • Gold Grip
    • Elixir embezzlement
    • Non-magic zone
    • Super PEKKA Smash-Em-Up
    • Shocking turn of events
    • Battle Airship Boogie
    • Destruction of the building
    • Wall Whacker
    • Boom Boom building
    • Wall Wipe Out
    • Cold Weather Day
    • Seeing Quadruple
    • Toxic Tussle
    • Ground Is Angry
    • Anger management
    • Need for Speed
    • Master of Mystery
    Reward level I II III IV V VI
    Accumulated points required Clan Games 3,000 7,500 12,000 18,000 30,000 50,000
    Accumulated clan XP awarded Clan Games 20 60 120 200 300 420
    Reward option 1 30% Clan Games 40% Clan Games 4x Clan Games 70% Clan Games 90% Clan Games (TH7+)
    2x Clan Games (FRI)
    1x Clan Games
    Reward option 2 20x Clan Games 1x Clan Games 2x Clan Games 1x Clan Games 8x Clan Games 1x Clan Games
    Reward option 3 1x Clan Games 1x Clan Games 40x Clan Games 1x Clan Games 2x Clan Games 100x Clan Games
    Sixty-fourth Clan Game: August 22-28, 2021 "9th Anniversary Clan Special Games"
    Single point limit: 5,000 Clan Games
    Required Score for Bonus Reward: 4,000 Clan Games
    Players needed for the max level: 15
    Please note: The following challenges were driven and awarded double points:
    List of boosted challenges:
    (scroll to see full list)
    • Mortar Mauling
    • Spell Factory Sabotage
    • Destroy Air Defenses
    • Destroy Bomb Towers
    • Destroy X-Bows
    • Elixir Embezzlement
    • Helping Hand
    • Archer Ambush
    • Goblin Shenanigans
    • Ride of the Valkyries
    • Baby Dragon Storytime
    • Mining Operations
    • Bomber Blow-Em-Up
    • Drop Ship Night Ride
    • Builder Battle Victories
    • Giant Opportunity
    • Open Walls Day
    • Hog Rider Raid
    • Dragon Mayhem
    • Gold Storage Raid
    • Wizard Tower Warfare
    • Cannon Carnage
    • Dark Elixir Plumbers
    • Laboratory Strike
    • Dark Spell Factory Sabotage
    • Destroy Inferno Towers
    • Elixir Storage Raid
    • Dark Elixir Storage Raid
    • Destroy Tesla Towers
    • Destroy Barbarian King Altars
    • Destroy Grand Warden Altars
    • Winning Streak
    • Pile of Victories
    • Builder Battle Star Master
    • Gold Grab
    • Lord of destruction
    • Builder Battle Destructor
    • Bombs Away!
    • Double Cannon Trouble
    • Breaking Glass
    • Builder Hall Blow-Up
    • Firecracker Tackle
    • Crushing the Crushers
    • Fire All Barrels!
    • Fireman On Duty
    • Giant Problem
    • Unguarding the Posts
    • Dark Elixir Heist
    • Eagle Artillery Elimination
    • Elixir Pump Elimination
    • Gold Mine Mayhem
    • Destroy Air Sweepers
    • No Heroics Allowed
    • Queen Level Hunter
    • Hero Level Hunter
    • Building Breakdown
    • Wall Whacker
    • Building Boom Boom
    • Wall Wipe Out
    • Sneaky Shenanigans
    • The Greatest Giants
    • Cloak & Daggers
    • Icy Onslaught
    • Need for Speed
    • Swarm Season
    • Getting Over It
    • Ground Is Angry
    • Rage of the Valkyries
    • Master of Mystery
    Reward level I II III IV V VI VII
    Accumulated points required Clan Games 3,000 7,500 12,000 18,000 30,000 50,000 75,000
    Accumulated clan XP awarded Clan Games 20 60 120 200 300 420 560
    Reward option 1 20% Clan Games 30% Clan Games 1x Clan Games 80% Clan Games (TH7+)
    2x Clan Games (FRI)
    80% Clan Games 1x Clan Games 1x Clan Games
    Reward option 2 1x Clan Games 1x Clan Games 1x Clan Games 1x Clan Games 1x Clan Games 2x Clan Games 2x Clan Games
    Reward option 3 20x Clan Games 1x Clan Games 50x Clan Games 6x Clan Games 2x Clan Games 2x Clan Games 100x Clan Games
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