Not to be confused with army.
El attack army is the group of troops that a player usually uses in invasions. Generally, the attacking army is kept the same by the player until a new troop is unlocked, leagues up, and / or their town hall level up, mainly because invaded villages tend to become more difficult to destroy.
Since it is not possible to know which village we will attack, unless revenge is made on someone who attacked the village itself, it is not possible to predict which troops will be most useful. The best attacking armies are usually made up of the player's best troops, and this can be independent of troop levels.
Ignoring the levels, troops with more health, more damage, and less cost may be better candidates for an attacking army. The space occupied by each troop must also always be taken into account, since depending on the level of the camps, our attack army may be affected.
- Avoid using large amounts of troops that take up a lot of space.
- Try to improve your troops in the laboratory, so the troops that occupy less space can do a lot of damage.
- If you use the Vengeance option, first observe the village and then prepare a special attack army.