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    Astral Laboratory

    Astral Laboratory

    Astral Laboratory



    Minimum builder's workshop level



    4 × 4 Astral Laboratory

    Constant improvement

    Resource to improve:

    Builder's Elixir Astral Laboratory

    Cumulative cost

    7,065,000 Astral Laboratory

    Cumulative cost

    6 days, 20 hours, 40 minutes Astral Laboratory

    • The astral laboratory investigates the skies to unravel the mysteries that allow you to unlock the full potential of your troops. Improve the health points, damage and units of your troops, in addition to raising their special abilities.
    Astral Laboratory Astral Laboratory Astral Laboratory Astral Laboratory
    Ruin 1 level 2 level 3 level
    Astral Laboratory Astral Laboratory Astral Laboratory Astral Laboratory
    4 level 5 level 6 level 7 level
    Astral Laboratory Astral Laboratory
    8 level 9 level



    • In the Astral Laboratory, troops from the Builder's Village can be upgraded at a cost of Builder Elixir, improving either: health and damage, special abilities, or increasing the number of troops of the same type per camp. Each upgrade increases the cost and time of the previous one.
    • Once a troop upgrade is launched, it cannot be stopped.
    • It is not possible to upgrade more than one troop at a time.
    • If you have troops in the camps, once the upgrade for that troop in the lab ends, the troops in the camps are automatically leveled up.


    • In each improvement there is a Roman numeral on the front of the building indicating its level.

    Constant improvement

    Level Astral Laboratory Life Astral Laboratory Cost (builder's elixir)Astral Laboratory Upgrade time Astral Laboratory Experience Astral Laboratory

    Builder's Workshop Level

    Astral Laboratory
    1 650 - - - -
    2 800 15,000 10cm 24 2
    3 960 50,000 30cm 42 3
    4 1,152 300,000 8h 169 4
    5 1,382 700,000 12h 207 5
    6 1,658 1,000,000 1d 293 6
    7 1,990 2,000,000 2d 415 7
    8 2,388 3,000,000 3d 509 8

    Maximum Troop Level per Astral Laboratory Level

    The following table lists the maximum troop level achievable for each level of the Astral Laboratory.

    Troop Astral Laboratory Level
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    Enraged Barbarian 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
    Sneaky Archer 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
    Giant Boxer - 2 4 8 10 12 14 16 18
    Minion Beta - 2 4 8 10 12 14 16 18
    Bombardier - - 2 8 10 12 14 16 18
    Baby dragon - - 2 8 10 12 14 16 18
    Cannon with Wheels - - - 2 10 12 14 16 18
    Night witch - - - - 2 12 14 16 18
    skeletal globe - - - - - 2 14 16 18
    Super PEKKA - - - - - - 2 16 18
    Hog - - - - - - - 2 18

    Upgrade Tables

    Astral Lab Level, Cost and Time Troop Level
    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18
    Enraged Barbarian
    Lab 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
    Cost 3.5 k 6k 9k 50 k 100 k 300 k 330 k 700 k 900 k 1M 1.2M 2M 2.2M 3M 3.2M
    Time 30s 5m 15cm 3h 6h 12h 12h 1d 1d 2d 2d 3d 3d 4d 4d
    Sneaky Archer
    Lab 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
    Cost 5k 8k 12 k 60 k 120 k 320 k 350 k 800 k 1M 1.1M 1.3M 2.1M 2.3M 3.1M 3.3M
    Time 3m 10cm 30cm 4h 6h 12h 12h 1d 1d 2d 2d 3d 3d 4d 4d
    Giant Boxer
    Lab 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
    Cost 20 k 40 k 60 k 300 k 320 k 340 k 380 k 1M 1.2M 1.3M 1.5M 2.3M 2.5M 3.3M 3.5M
    Time 30cm 1h 2h 8h 12h 12h 12h 1d 1d 2d 2d 3d 3d 4d 4d
    Minion Beta
    Lab 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
    Cost 50 k 80 k 120 k 250 k 280 k 320 k 360 k 900 k 1.1M 1.3M 1.5M 2.3M 2.5M 3.3M 3.5M
    Time 1h 3h 5h 8h 12h 12h 12h 1d 1d 2d 2d 3d 3d 4d 4d
    Lab 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
    Cost 150 k 200 k 250 k 280 k 320 k 340 k 360 k 900 k 1M 1.2M 1.4M 2.2M 2.4M 3.2M 3.4M
    Time 3h 5h 8h 12h 12h 12h 12h 1d 1d 2d 2d 3d 3d 4d 4d
    Baby dragon
    Lab 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
    Cost 200 k 240 k 280 k 320 k 360 k 380 k 400 k 1M 1.2M 1.4M 1.6M 2.4M 2.6M 3.4M 3.6M
    Time 5h 8h 12h 12h 12h 12h 12h 1d 1d 2d 2d 3d 3d 4d 4d
    Cannon with Wheels
    Lab 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
    Cost 400 k 500 k 600 k 700 k 800 k 900 k 1M 1.1M 1.2M 1.4M 1.6M 2.4M 2.6M 3.4M 3.6M
    Time 12h 12h 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 2d 2d 3d 3d 4d 4d
    Night witch
    Lab 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8
    Cost 600 k 700 k 800 k 900 k 1M 1.1M 1.2M 1.3M 1.4M 1.6M 1.8M 2.5M 2.7M 3.5M 3.7M
    Time 12h 12h 1d 1d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 3d 3d 4d 4d
    skeletal globe
    Lab 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8
    Cost 1.1M 1.2M 1.3M 1.4M 1.5M 1.6M 1.7M 1.8M 2M 2.2M 2.4M 2.6M 2.8M 3.6M 3.8M
    Time 12h 12h 1d 1d 2d 2d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 4d 4d
    Super PEKKA
    Lab 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    Cost 1.6M 1.7M 1.8M 1.9M 2M 2.2M 2.4M 2.6M 2.8M 3M 3.2M 3.4M 3.6M 3.8M 4M
    Time 1d 1d 2d 2d 3d 3d 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d
    Constructor's Base Buildings
    Defensive buildings Cannon • Double Cannon • Archer's Tower • Tesla Tower • Pyrotechnics • Crusher • Guard Post • Aerial Bombs • Multiple Mortar • Carbonizer • Giant Cannon • Mega Tesla • Spitting • Walls
    Traps: Push Trap • Spring Trap • Mine • Mega Mine
    Resource buildings Builder's Workshop (Magic Items) • Gold Mine • Elixir Collector • Gold Store • Elixir Store • Gem Mine • OTTO Shack
    Army buildings Builder's Headquarters • Camp • Astral Laboratory • Altar of the War Machine
    Other buildings Boat • Decorations • Obstacles • Clock Tower
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