Welcome to Clash of Gaming, where we are passionate about the world of video games and we are here to answer all your questions about FIFA, the popular soccer saga from EA Sports. In this article, we will address one of the most recurring questions among fans: what is the best FIFA ever? We will explore rankings, expert opinions and comparisons between different installments of the game to help you find the answer you are looking for. We will also analyze if FIFA 21 is considered the worst in the saga. Read on to find out!
Rankings of the best FIFA
There are numerous rankings online that try to determine who is the best FIFA of all time. These rankings are based on different criteria such as gameplay, graphics, extra features, and nostalgia. Although the rankings can vary depending on the source, there are some titles that usually appear at the top of the list. FIFA 98: Road to World Cup, FIFA 07, FIFA 12 and FIFA 14 are some of the games that are often mentioned as the best in the series. However, the choice of the best FIFA is subjective and depends on the individual preferences of each player.
Expert Opinions
In addition to the rankings, the opinions of experts in the video game industry can also help us determine which is the best FIFA in history. Critics and professional gamers often share their opinions on the different titles in the series. Some experts consider FIFA 12 to have revolutionized gameplay with its impact engine and tactical defense system, while others praise FIFA 14 for its realism and Ultimate Team mode. It is important to note that expert opinions may vary and each player may have a different experience with each installment of the game.
Comparisons between different deliveries
Another way to determine which is the best FIFA in history is to make comparisons between different installments of the game. By analyzing the features, improvements and innovations introduced in each title, we can get a better idea of which one stands out the most. For example, FIFA 98: Road to World Cup was the first game in the series to use 3D graphics, while FIFA 07 introduced the Career mode and FIFA 14 significantly improved the artificial intelligence of the players. By comparing these characteristics, we can evaluate which FIFA is the one that best suits our preferences.
Is FIFA 21 the worst in the saga?
A question that many ask is if FIFA 21 is considered the worst in the saga. Although some players express their dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the game, such as the gameplay or the Ultimate Team mode, it cannot be categorically stated that FIFA 21 is the worst ever. Each installment of FIFA has its pros and cons, and what some players may not like may be appreciated by others. It is important to remember that the video game industry is constantly evolving and each new title brings improvements and changes that may not be to the liking of all gamers.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is the best-selling FIFA in history?
The best-selling FIFA in history is FIFA 18, with more than 24 million copies sold worldwide. This title was very popular due to its innovative gameplay, its realism and its wide selection of teams and players.
2. What is the FIFA with the best playability?
Gameplay is a fundamental aspect in soccer games and many players are looking for a FIFA with fluid and realistic gameplay. According to the opinions of experts and players, FIFA 12 is considered one of the titles with the best gameplay in the series, thanks to its impact engine and its tactical defense system.
In summary, determining which is the best FIFA in history is a subjective task and depends on the individual preferences of each player. The rankings, the opinions of experts and the comparisons between different installments of the game can help us to have a clearer idea, but at the end of the day, the choice of the best FIFA is personal. As for FIFA 21, although some players express their discontent, it cannot be said that it is the worst in the saga. Each installment has its pros and cons, and it's important to remember that the video game industry is constantly evolving. We hope this article has been useful to you! Do not hesitate to leave us your comments and share your opinion about which is the best FIFA in history. Until next time!
The Clash of Gaming team