The resources are used mainly for the improvement of the village (Gold), training of troops (Elixir) and accelerating and buying resources (Gems), currently the game has 4 resources which are: gold, elixir, dark elixir and gems .
Gold is a resource that is obtained from gold mines. Once collected, it is stored in the Gold Store, the amount of gold you have is shown in the upper right part of the screen. Gold is used to construct and upgrade defensive buildings, rearm traps, buy almost all Ornaments, upgrade and purchase the elixir store and elixir collectors, search for battles, and upgrade the Walls.
Elixir is a resource that is obtained by elixir collectors. Once collected they are stored in the elixir warehouse, the amount of elixir you have is shown in the upper right part of the screen below that of the gold. The elixir is used for the purchase and upgrade of troops, upgrade Army Buildings, buy some decorations, buy and upgrade the Grand Sentinel, upgrade the dark elixir warehouse and Dark Elixir Extractor, upgrade and buy the gold mines and the store gold and upgrade the walls (from level 9).
Dark Elixir
The Dark Elixir is a resource that is collected by the Dark Elixir Extractor. Once collected it is stored in the dark elixir warehouse, the amount of dark elixir that you have is shown in the upper right part of the screen below the elixir. The dark elixir is used for the purchase and improvement of the Barbarian King and the Archer Queen. It is also used in the training of Dark Barracks troops.
Gems are a resource primarily obtained through in-app purchase (IAP). There are other ways to get gems, however these methods are quite time consuming compared to buying them from the store though, gratifying. A small number of gems (0-6) can be obtained from rocks and trees that appear in the village, but this is random. Completing the achievements also grants gems. Additionally, the best players in the top three clans receive gems from the weekly tournament. Lastly, Supercell occasionally runs competitions on their Facebook page so that players can get them if they win. Gems can be used to buy gold, elixir, dark elixir, and the builder's hut. It can also be used to speed up upgrades, duplicate gold or elixir collection, and to finish troop training.
The best use of gems is spending them buying Builder Huts, since having more builders advances faster with the improvements of the village.
Main Village Buildings | |
Defensive buildings | Cannon • Archer Tower • Mortar • Defense Rockets • Wizard Tower • Air Controller • Tesla Tower • Bomber Tower • Crossbow • Inferno Tower • Artillery Eagle • Tesla Gigator • Infernal Gigator • Catapult • Infernal Gigatorre (TH14) • Walls
Traps: Bomb • Spring Trap • Aerial Bomb • Set of Explosives • Aerial Trace Mine • Skeleton Trap • Tornado Trap |
Resource buildings | Town Hall • Gold Mine • Elixir Collector • Dark Elixir Extractor • Gold Store • Elixir Store • Dark Elixir Store • Clan Castle (Treasury) |
Army buildings | Camp • Barracks • Dark Barracks • Laboratory • Spell Cauldron • Dark Spell Cauldron • Workshop • Altar of the Barbarian King • Altar of the Archer Queen • Altar of the Grand Sentinel • Altar of the Royal Fighter |
Other buildings | Decorations • Obstacles • Builder's Hut • Master Builder's Hut • Ship • Loot Cart • Strongman's Caravan • Supersauna |